Where Did My Baby Go?!

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Donald and Melania had both taken the day off. They were both enjoying their day off, but they were definitely missing their son. School was more important than a day though. So they got over it.

Donald and Melania slept in, spent the day cuddling, kissing, watching movies, and making love. They enjoyed the day beyond words, but when Barron walked through the door, they were beyond happy to see their not-so-little son walk through the door.

He was unusually happy. He's always been a happy kid, but this was different. He was beaming. And Melania noticed it as soon as he walked through the door.

"Hey, Buddy!" Donald called out from the couch cuddled up with Melania.

"Oh, hey, Dad!" He smiled at the sight of his parents and disappeared down the hall.

"Well, that was weird." Melania whispered as she kissed Donald's lips.

"What do you mean?" He asks, slightly confused.

"He's just unusually happy. He never comes home like that. I mean never." She kisses him again then cuddles back up on him.

They were both shocked when Barron came out of his room and sat down on the couch with time, watching Titanic.

They exchanged a slightly confused look at each other, but didn't say anything. They love any time they can spend with their son.

Typical teenager, he was texting rather frequently, but they were used to that. So that wasn't shocking.

The movie was over and he stayed with them.

"Did you two enjoy your day off?" The happy teen asks.

"Of course we did. We missed you, but we made the most of it." Donald says to him smiling.

"Barron, what did you do?" Melania asks knowing something is up.

"I didn't do anything, Mom. I promise." He tells her completely honest.

"You are never this happy. And you never spend time with us. What is going on?" She probes at him.

"Absolutely nothing. I just missed you two." Barron sits back on the couch, putting his feet on the couch table and gets on his phone.

"Weird." Donald whispers in Melania's ear before nibbling at her earlobe.

Barron notices the extreme affection coming from his parents, but doesn't say anything. He just ignores it like it's not even happening.

Donald and Melania both know that he knows, and are oh so confused on why he's not responding.

So. Typical Donald Trump, tips Melania's chin back and takes her lips in his own.

They kiss long and slow and Barron doesn't say a word. Which is even weirder.

After a long time, Barron speaks up. "Mom, Dad, I need to tell you something."

"Sure, son. You can tell us anything." Donald replies.

"So I have a girlfriend." He announces.

Melania isn't exactly shocked, but Donald about chokes.

"A girlfriend?!" He exasperates.

"Baby, calm down. He is almost 13." Melania whispers.

"Tell us about her, son." Melania smiles at their beaming boy.

"Well, her name is Chloe. She's the most beautiful girl in the world. And she makes me happy." He smiles and shrugs.

"I want to meet her." Melania says.

"Ummmm. I don't want to run her off, Mom."

"We won't." Melania says confidently.

"It's the secret service and all that. I don't want to scare her away."

"I understand that." She says understandingly.

"Mom! She's beautiful!" He looks at his phone.

"Let me see." She says as Donald sits still shocked.

Barron shows them a picture and they both awwww.

Barron disappears to his room and Donald and Melania sit on the couch still shocked.

"Where did my baby go?" Melania asks.

"I don't know, honey. I don't like it."

"We'll get used to it. I love you, momma." Donald winks.

They kiss and stay cuddled up on the couch reminiscing about their baby boy.

If you have any requests, message me or drop them in the comments.😘

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