A New Appreciation for Life

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Since the accident, Donald and Melania both have been very appreciative of life.

They've both found that their love for each other is much deeper than it was before.

Every time she sees him, she gets emotional realizing how close she was to losing him.

It's something she never wants to experience again.

He just has a new appreciation for life. And he couldn't love her anymore if he tried.

Somehow, in the midst of the chaos, it's been her strength that has kept him grounded.

Even if they have to spend some time and just cry together, or ask really hard questions, or just let the emotions happen, they quickly realized they could never face this alone.

Donald, coming in late into the evening from a rally, finds her sleeping on the couch, Newsmax playing in the background, indicating she was watching the rally.

He ever so quietly squats by the couch, gently stroking her head, whispering. "Baby, I'm home."

She hasn't been sleeping the greatest since the accident. Every time she closes her eyes, she replays the whole thing in her head and she still feels the same anxiety she felt when he went down.

He knows she's not been sleeping well, and normally, he would just leave her asleep on the couch, but he's really needing to just hold her and kiss her.

He kisses her forehead softly. "Melania? Baby? I'm home." He whispers again.

But... she's out of it. She's in a deep sleep and he feels guilty even trying to wake her up.

He stands up and walks in their room, grabbing her favorite blanket off her side of their bed.

He walks into the living room, finding her still out of it and he smiles so big at her.

She's absolutely stunning. Not a prettier woman to be seen in his opinion.

He gently covers her up, bending down, he softly kisses her head and whispers, "I love you so very much, sweetheart. Get a good nights sleep." He kisses her head again and makes his way down the hall.

He takes a shower and gets ready for bed.

There's only one problem. She's been the one bandaging his ear after his nightly shower and she's asleep.

He had already noticed there was a little bit of blood on his towel after his shower. So he knew sleeping without a bandage was going to be painful and risky... but it wasn't worth waking her up over.

He lays a towel over his pillow to protect his pillow from any blood and he lays back.

Of course, he can't sleep. Especially since she's not in the bed.

He starts to get up to go get her, thinking he'll just carry her to bed.

But... then the reminder of the Doctor's stern instructions to "not lift anything over 10 pounds!"flashes through his mind.

So, he lays back, annoyed and turns on the news, watching the coverage from the rally.

He's watching the news, but really his mind keeps wandering to that beautiful woman asleep on the couch.

He turns the news off and just lays there, staring into the darkness, thinking about her and their life together.

It had been almost 2 hours of him just tossing and turning when she flies into their room, quickly turning the lights on, he whines and covers his eyes, shielding them from the light, but he quickly realizes she's beside herself.

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