Can We Do This?

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riverdale_trumps recently wrote a story like this and I loved it. So that's where the idea came from. Enjoy!😘

Donald and Melania had just welcomed their first son into the world- Barron William. He was just 2 short days old.

They loved their baby boy to pieces. Melania thoroughly enjoyed watching him care for their new baby. Donald was in awe of how amazing of a mother Melania was.

Everything had been going smoothly.....then it was time to go home. No more nurses to help in the middle of the night, no more cafeteria to bring them food when they were hungry, no more doctors to guide them through the challenges of being new parents. They were all on their own.

They knew it would be a struggle for the first few weeks, but it was something that just had to be done.

They made their journey home and that's when reality set in.

Melania carried the car seat in and he carried the rest of the stuff in.

They were looking forward to adjusting to their new life and being in the comfort of their own home, but they were both a little nervous.

"Baby, I started some laundry from our dirty hospital clothes." He called out as he walked into the living room. He saw a sight that he hoped would always amaze him. She was sitting on the couch, holding their new baby, the baby holding her finger, and her looking at him in awe.

"Thanks, baby." She whispered as she watched Barron sleep in her arms.

He was amazed by how amazing of a mom she was. She was a natural.

He sat down beside her. "Feeling okay?"

"I'm a little sore, but that's to be expected. I mean, I just gave birth two days ago." She replied before kissing the baby's head.

"You did so good. I'm still so proud of you." He looked at her and smiled.

"You were an amazing support. I couldn't have made it through that labor without you." She knew she couldn't of. He was an amazing encouragement to her during those long 14 hours of labor.

They stayed cuddled up on the couch for a little over 2 hours. Actually falling asleep. Then they were awaken by a now becoming familiar sound-the baby crying.

He was hungry. They both knew it. So, she handed the baby to Donald while she went into the kitchen to make a bottle.

She heard the baby screaming from the kitchen and it broke her heart, but the screaming suddenly ended.

Her heart melted when she walked around the corner and saw Donald standing, gently swaying, and talking to the little baby.

"Here, baby, it looks like you know what you're doing. Feed him this bottle and I'll put some lasagna in the over." She handed him the bottle and kissed his cheek then disappeared into the kitchen.

"Okay, Buddy. Let's try this." He sat the baby up a little in his arms and put the nipple of the bottle by Barron's lips. Barron happily accepted the bottle and Donald was relieved.

Melania stood at the stove, preheating the oven then she remembered. She peaked her head around the corner. "Don't forget to burp him halfway through."

"I remember, baby. Thank you." He gave her the biggest grin. God she loved him.

After feeding the baby, burping him, and a diaper change, they sat down to eat.

"Our first meal at home as a family of three." She was cuddling their swaddled baby in her arms as they ate.

"And I could be happier." He leaned over and kissed her softly. "This lasagna is good, baby."

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