Are You Okay?!

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Melania was leaving for a speech in Pennsylvania.

He kissed her goodbye and headed off to the office. He always already ready to see her again.

She left, and he watched from the Oval Office as she boarded her motorcade.

It wasn't too much longer later, he got a phone call. On the other line, there was the stern voice of an aide. "Mr. President, we are just letting you know that your wife is in the air and her plane is on fire."

His heart instantly drops. "Is she okay?!"

"She's fine. Don't stress. We are landing her plane right now. She'll be fine. We promise, sir."

He was freaking out. He couldn't believe his baby's plane was on fire. She was in danger. "Oh, dear God! Please keep her safe! Please!"

He couldn't help it. He started pacing in his office.

He texted her.

Donald- Baby, please call me as soon as you get your phone!

She came off her plane and got in her SUV, picking up her phone out of her purse. She instantly realized he was worried about her and her heart melted.

So, she called him.

On the first ring, he answered. "Are you okay?!"

She could tell in the tone of his voice that he was nervous and stressing. "Baby, I'm okay. I'm in my SUV. They are getting me a different plane for me. I'll be just fine."

He sighed relief loudly. "Oh my God! Baby, I was so worried about you. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Donald John, I'm perfectly okay. I love how scared you are for my safety. I promise I'll cuddle with you as soon as I get home."

With that he knew she was okay. "I can't wait to kiss you when you get home."

"You'll be the first person I come see. I promise. Baby, I have to go. They are waiting for me. I love you." She says cooly.

"I love you more, baby girl." He hung up and sighed relief.

She got her business done in Pennsylvania and safely arrived home.

She was dying to see him. It had been a long day and she was ready to kiss him.

She walked into the abnormally quiet residence and was curious why it was so quiet. "Baby? Barron? Where are you boys?"

Barron was sitting at the table doing homework. "Hey, Mom! Dad is in his office down the hall. I'm trying to finish homework before dinner."

"You're such a good boy." She smiles and kisses his head. "I'm going to go see your daddy."

"Okay. Beware. He's in a strange mood." Barron chuckled and continued writing.

She walked down the hall and sticks her head in the door. "I'm home."

"Come see me!" He calls out from his desk.

She couldn't help but notice how cute he looked.

He was wearing his white dress shirt, the top 2 buttons were undone and his tie was gone. No suit jacket and his reading glasses were resting on his nose.

She stepped over his shoes in the door way and walks over to him. "I missed you so much today."

He scoots his chair back and taps his leg, motioning for her to sit on his lap. "I missed you more. Especially when I got the call that your plane was on fire."

"I was fine. Thank you for caring about me. I kinda lied to you though." She says right before kissing his cheek.

"Oh yeah?" He asks curiously.

"I said I would come kiss you as soon as I got home. I kissed our handsome son first." She smiled.

"Awww, baby. You're such a good momma. And I don't even care. He missed you and he was extremely concerned when I told him about your little accident this morning."

"He's a good boy. I love him. Now back to the topic of kissing you. I think I want to do that." She smiles widely, leans in and captures his lips between her own, kissing him long and slow.

He couldn't help but moan against her lips.

"Shhhhhh! Our son is just down the hall!" She laughed.

"I don't even care. Do that again."

So, she did as she was asked, once again making him moan.

"You are going to get turned on. I better stop." She laughs.

"No! Don't stop please!" He begs.

She kisses him quickly once more before getting off of his lap. "Come on. Let's go eat dinner with Barron. Then we can discuss dessert." She winks and pulls him up out of his chair.

With that, they walk down the hall hand in hand.

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