A Fair Night

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Dating years were so much fun for Donald and Melania. They enjoyed being together any chance they got.

It was mid August in New York. Donald wanted to take Melania to the State Fair, but he didn't know if she would be up for that. She doesn't like being hot and sweaty. And he knew she would be hot at the fair, but he was going to ask her anyways.

He finally got home from work and found his little bookworm snuggled up, reading a book, wrapped up in his bathrobe.

"Hey, baby." He whispered as he sat down beside her and kissed her head.

"Welcome home, handsome baby." She smiled as she leaned up and kissed him gently.

"Whatcha think about a date night?" He asks.

"That sounds amazing! What are you thinking?" She questions.

"Ummmmm.. I would like to go to the state fair. What do you think?"

"I would love that." She smiled and kissed him again before getting up and running down the hall to get dressed.

It wasn't 20 minutes later and she returned wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a navy blue t-shirt bearing the Trump family crest, and a pair of tennis shoes.

"You look so cute, baby." He smiles and wraps his arms around her. kissing her tenderly. "Let's go. I want a sloppy cheeseburger and a corn dog."

"So much for our diet." She laughed and held his hand as they walked out the door.

They got to the fair and started walking around. To their surprise, not many people recognized them and they were so glad for the privacy.

As they walked around, she noticed a huge stuffed elephant that she wanted.

He was eating a cheeseburger not really paying attention.

She tugged on his arm.

"What? Are you wanting a bite of this?" He asks as he places it in front of her mouth so she can take a bite.

"Mmmmmm. That is not what I wanted, but that's good. I want that huge, stuffed elephant back at the basketball shooting game."

"Anything for my baby."

He handed her his half-eaten cheeseburger and he started shooting hoops.

She watched her sexy man start to shoot hoops for her and she slowly started eating his burger.

5 minutes later he won the huge elephant. "BABY! Look!" He held out the huge stuffed elephant to her.

"Oh my gosh! You got it for me! Thanks, baby!" She took it and gave him the biggest kiss.

"Kisses like that I might win you stuff more often. Can I have my burger back yet?" He asks.

"Ummmm. I'm sorry, babe. I accidentally ate all your burger while I was waiting."

"Oh, did you?" He asks curiously.

"I did. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She admits as she blushes.

"Don't be embarrassed. I'll always share my food with my girl." He kissed her cheek and kept walking as he grabbed her hand.

They walked around the whole evening, completely happy.

"Baby, let's ride the ferris wheel!" He exclaimed.

They stood in line then it was finally their turn. He left her stuffed bear by the operator and they hopped on.

She held his hand as the rode around.

"I have a slight confession." She whispered.

"What, baby?" He asks sweetly.

"I hate heights." She mumbled under her breath.

They got stopped at the top and he looked over and sees her eyes closed.

"hey, it's okay. Look it's beautiful up here!" He wrapped his arm around her and held her other hand.

She slowly opened her eyes, trusting him.

"Its gorgeous, baby." She relaxes in his embrace.

"Can I kiss you, baby?" He asks.

"Don't ask. Just do."

He cups her face and gives her the most sweet, long, and romantic kiss.

She smiles widely as he pulls away. "I love life with you, Donald John."

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