It's Only a Ring

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Melania was getting dressed for her day when her world flipped upside down.

She went to just her wedding band on and it was gone. "OH MY GOD!!!!"

She frantically started looking for her wedding band. She always put it in the same place. She had no clue where it could have gone.

She looked in the closet, in her and Donald's bathroom, on their nightstands, under their bed, in the sheets, in the trash can, by the kitchen sink, and everywhere she could think of.

Donald came home that afternoon for lunch to find Barron crying in his highchair and Melania sitting at the kitchen table crying.

He picks the 2 year old up out of his high chair. "What's wrong, buddy?" He kisses his head and walks into the kitchen.

He's shocked when he sees Melania crying. He knew something was wrong because she never cried just because.

He sits down by her. "Baby, are you okay? Talk to me."

"No! I am not okay! I can't find my wedding band and Barron has been so moody all day because he's getting his 2 year molars." She explains.

"Well, its okay. I am home now. It'll be okay. Where did you last see your wedding band?" He holds her hand with his free hand and holds Barron with his other arm.

"I thought I put it on the dresser last night, but it wasn't there this morning." She takes a deep breath.

"Wait a minute, baby." He hands Barron to her and walks into the living room.

"What are you on to?" She asks.

"Last night, when we were watching that movie, you sat your rings on the coffee table because Barron was chewing on your hand. Remember?" He asks.

"I do remember." She says as she sits Barron on the floor with his favorite toy.

Sadly, her ring was no longer on the coffee table. So they both tore the living room apart looking for it.

"Babe I will talk to the housekeeper tomorrow. Maybe she moved it to clean and forgot to put it back." He reassures her as he looks up and sees their disastrous livingroom.

She starts crying again. "I can't believe I lost my wedding band! What a wife I am." She cries into her hands.

He walks over and rubs her back. "It's okay, baby. Deep breaths. I'm not mad at you. You shouldn't be so upset. It'll turn up. I promise."

He wraps his arms around her as she cries and he kisses her head. He was extremely thankful Barron was being good for the moment.

"Its only a ring, baby. I know its upsetting, but that ring doesn't change how much I love you or you love me. That ring was just a token of our love. I don't wear my wedding band. That doesn't mean I don't love you. I just don't like it because it gets in the way. It doesn't change anything." He reassures her.

She looks up at him with tears in her eyes and whispers, "But you gave that to me on our wedding day, baby. That means so much to me."

He bends down and kisses her nose. "I can buy you a new one. Don't stress. Watch." He takes her hands and pulls her engagement ring off her right hand and slides it on her left ring finger. "There. Now no one will thing you are single. I wouldn't want anyone to make that mistake." He smiles widely at her.

"You are literally the sweetest man I know." She smiles with tear stained cheeks, stands on her tip-toes and kisses him gently.

The evening progressed on and she was still looking for that ring. He knew she wasn't going to rest until it was found. He felt so bad for her. He hated seeing her so upset.

It was 7:30, which meant it was time to start getting the toddler ready for bed, and he knew that.

Barron knew his routine and he never fought them at bedtime.

Like clockwork, Barron came over to Donald sucking his thumb and carrying his favorite teddy bear.

"Are you tired, buddy?" Donald asks as he picks him up.

"Yeah, dada." Barron says as he cuddles up on his lap.

Melania, sitting next to Donald, starts running her fingers through Barron's blonde curls.

"Someone needs a bath, but I'm just so tired." Melania sighs.

"I'll take care of bedtime tonight and you go up to our bathroom and take a hot, bubble bath." He kisses her cheek.

"You would do that for me?" She asks.

"Of course I would. You need to relax." He kisses her head again."Tell Mommy goodnight, Barron. Daddy's going to put you to bed tonight."

Melania takes their little boy out of his arms. "Mommy loves you, baby boy. Sweet dreams . Listen to Daddy as he gets you ready for bed. I can't wait to cuddle with you in the morning."

The boy smiles his toothy smile up at his mom. "Night, night, Mommy! Wuv you!" He gives her a sloppy baby kiss on her cheek.

Her heart instantly melts. "You better go back to Daddy before I just cuddle you all night." She hands him back.

Donald gladly takes him back. "Stealing mommy's kisses. I see how you are!" He tickles him as they walk down the hall to the bathroom.

Donald feels up the tub and puts Barron in it along with his favorite bath toys. "Yayyyyyyyyy!" Barron kicks in the water.

Donald smiles from ear-to-ear watching Barron play. He loves the little guy so much. He could never repay Melania for giving Barron to him.

Meanwhile as the boys play in the bathtub, Melania sinks into the huge tub in the bathroom she shares with Donald, trying to relax and not think about her ring.

Donald let Barron play for a little bit, then he washed him and got him out.

"Want to get your pjs on?" Donald asks Barron as he kisses his head.

"Yes, please, Daddy." Barron sleepily rubs his eyes.

Donald lotions him up and puts his pjs on him.

Just like every other night, Donald reads him a story and lays him in his bed.

As Donald pulls the covers over Barron, he feels something fall out of the blanket, fall through the slats of the crib, and hits his sock.

He doesn't think anything of it. "Goodnight, Barron. Daddy loves you." He leans over and kisses his head.

Just before he is getting ready to leave, curiosity hit him and he wanted to see what had hit his sock.

He bends over and picks up Melania's wedding band, smiling. "Mommy's ring!"

He slides it in his pocket and walks to their room. "Babe, can I come in?" He asks as he knocks on the bathroom door.

"You know you can." She smiles from the tub.

He walks in and smiles, happy to see her relaxed.

"Did you need something?" She asks.

He bends down beside the tub and strokes her head. "Just to check on you. I love you." He leans over and kisses her slowly.

She smiles against his lips. "I'm fine. I'm just not going to worry about it anymore. You're right."

He smiles so big. "That's a good thing." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out her wedding band.

"BABY!!!!" She nearly jumps out of the tub. "Where did you find that?!"

"When I put Barron to bed it was wrapped up in his bedding." He smiles so big as he gently slips it on her finger where it belongs.

She starts crying tears of joy and relief. "That little stinker. I should have known. He has loved how shiny it is lately."

"He was protecting it for his mommy." He giggles.

"Come join me, baby, so I can repay you for finding my ring." She winks.

"Now I like how that sounds." He bites his lip and slides into the water with her.

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