A Second Chance

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Melania had been sick for several weeks. She tried her best trying to hide it from Donald. She didn't need to stress him out. They were in the home stretch of winning the election and his full attention needed to be on his campaign.

He had been gone for several weeks and finally took a weekend off to go home.

When he got home, he expected to have a weekend full of hot makeup sex, but he was mistakenly wrong.

He crawled in bed the first night, instantly crawling over and kissing her neck, missing the contact with her.

She sighed. "Baby, I love where this is going... but I can't..."

"Why?" He asks, slightly worried.

"I just don't feel good and I'm extremely tired." She admitted, yawning.

"What's wrong? He asks, getting more and more concerned.

"I'm sure it's just something I ate." She lied, this had been going on for weeks now, but she wasn't about to tell him that.

"You should have told me." He whispers, pulling her into his side.

"I just don't want you worrying about me. There's more important things for you to be worrying about right now." She smiled at him.

He sat up a little, so he could look at her. "No, baby, there is nothing more important than you." He bent down to her lips, kissing her softly.

"I missed you." She smiles against his lips.

"I missed you more, beautiful." He kisses her again.

"I'm sorry I can't welcome you home like you deserve." She rolls her eyes.

"This is perfect, baby."

The rest of the weekend, she spent it either on the couch or in their bed, besides when she wasn't in the bathroom, puking her guts up.

He was worried about her. He was afraid to leave her. And she was being stubborn about it.

Late Sunday night, she gets up slowly, starting to pack up his suitcase for him to hit the road again in the morning.

He walks out of the bathroom, from a shower when he sees her. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"Trying to get you ready to leave in the morning." She half smiles at him.

"I'm not leaving in the morning." He informs her.


"I'm not going anywhere until we figure out what's wrong with you." He closes the suitcase.

She sits on the edge of the bed. "Baby, I'm sure it's just menopause. I'm getting to that age. It's nothing for you to miss campaigning over. I'm fine."

"Menopause?" His eyebrows raise, not believing her.

"Donald, I'm 50. It's not unheard of." She crossed her arms.

"You're going to the doctor in the morning, whether you like it or not." He kisses her head.

She rolls her eyes. "You're so stubborn."

Donald took her to the doctor bright and early the next morning. She insisted she could go alone, so he let her.

He waited at their Trump Campaign headquarters with the rest of the kids when she called him.

"Hey, babe, everything okay?" He asks, concerned.

"Can you come to the doctors office. They want to go over the results with both of us." She sighed.

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now