Make Up

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Donald and Melania pretty much always got along. They were made for each other.

But when they didn't get along, it was ugly.

Donald woke up and as soon as he looked over, he knew Melania was moody.

"Are you okay?" He asks gently.

"Fine. Why?" She snapped back.

"You just don't look like yourself this morning." He said gently as he put his arm around her.

"Gee. Thanks!" She rolled her eyes and threw his arm off of her, getting up.

"Baby, what is wrong?" He asks as he sits up on the bed.

Him asking set her off. "Want to know what is wrong?! You chewed me out last night because that guy was flirting with me!"

"Baby, I said I was sorry. I didn't mean it. I was just trying to be protective." His heart breaks.

"I don't want to hear it from you!" She flings the bedroom door open and stomps out into the hallway.

"Baby......" he knew it was a lost cause. So he got up and got dressed in complete silence.

He left for work without saying a word to her. Which put him in a sour mood because he was used to spending a lot of time together every morning.

When it was time to go home, he started getting nervous. He didn't like fighting. He didn't like seeing her unhappy with him. It upset him.

So he bought 2 dozen roses and up to see her.

"Babe, I'm home." He called out as he walked through the door and kicked his shoes off.

"I'm in the bedroom." She answers.

He could tell by the tone of her voice that she was in a better mood. So he knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"

"It's your bedroom too. Of course you can." She answered as she opened the door.

"Babe, I've got something for you." He handed her the flowers.

"Oh my gosh, honey. They are gorgeous!" She took them and immediately put her nose to the roses, inhaling.

He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. Completely relaxed in the comfort of her home, but she was stunning. "Baby, I'm sorry for being such a butthead last night. I didn't mean it. I'm just scared of losing you. So I tend to be too defensive. I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me?"

She can't be mad at him. There's no way. He's literally the sweetest man alive. So she puts the flowers down on the nightstand and walks over to him.

Putting her hands around the back of his neck, she talks sweetly. "Listen, Donald John. You have nothing to be afraid of. I'm sorry for being so stupid. I shouldn't have went off on you like that. Thank you for being a man and putting up with it. I love you so much."

He held her by the waist. "You were forgiven before I even left the house this morning. I love you so much." He leans in and kisses her slowly.

She deepens the kiss, letting her tongue slide into his mouth and running her fingers into his hair.

He relaxes in her embrace and lets her do the kissing.

She finally pulls away and he is about to die. "That's probably the best kiss you've ever given me." He smiles cheekily.

"You deserved it." She smiles against his lips and leans back in for more.

This time he pulls away. "I think we have some making up to do."

"Oh?" She asks, as she kisses down his jawline and onto his neck.

"Yeah." He walks them backwards and lays her back on the bed. "You're so beautiful!" He pulls her shirt over her head.

"And you're a sexy beast." She winks as she runs her fingers through his hair.

He unhooks her bra and throws it to the floor with her shirt. "Look at you!" He starts kissing down her jawline, onto her neck, down her chest, finally taking her boob in his mouth.

His kissing causes a moan to escape from her lips as she leans back on the bed.

He kisses down her stomach and around the waistline of her leggings.

Finally, he pulls her leggings off and her thong in one motion.

He kissed all over her thighs, down her legs, and back up her thighs. Then giving her what she wants, he nestles his head between her legs.

"Gosh, baby!" She mutters breathlessly.

He lays beside her completely out of breath and sweating. "I love you so much."

"I would say so." She laughs. "Thank you for making me the happiest woman alive." She smiles happily and rubs his cheek with her thumb.

"I do what I can. Still mad at me?" He winks cheekily.

"Absolutely not." She laughs. "You made me so tired."

"Go to bed, darling." He kisses her forehead.

She leans up and kisses him very so slowly.

After a long kiss, she pulls away. "I love you."

"I love you more." He smiles at her.

She lays her head down on his chest, still feeling her blissful pleasure.

"Good night, babe." He whispers as he rubs her back gently.

"Good night." She whispers sleepily.

He kisses her head and holds her close to him all night, loving her and her body.

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