Fixing a Bad Day

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Donald texted Melania complaining about how bad his day was. So she decided to spice up his day.

She changes her clothes and heads down to his office.

She knocks on the door and peaks her head in. "Can I come in?"

"Of course. Just shut the door behind you." He smiles up at her.

She walks in wearing an extremely short, tight as can be, lacy black dress. She gently shuts the door behind him.

"You look hot!" He looks her up and down from across the room.

She giggles and walks over, sitting on his lap.

Once she sits down, he can tell her dress reveals a lot of cleavage.

"You're looking like a full course meal, babe!" He leans down and gently kisses her exposed chest.

"Oh really?" She asks teasingly.

"Yeah. It drives me mad!"

"I can tell you a secret, babe" She bites her lip.

"What would that be?" He asks, kissing her neck.

"I don't have a bra on." She winks.

He moans loudly, thinking about it.

"Want to know another secret?" She asks.


"I don't have panties on either." She kisses his neck.

"You're a naughty girl!" He leans in and leaves a small hickey on the side of her neck.

She stands up, grabs his hand, and gently pulls him up. "Come to bed with me."

As he stood, she saw the arousal in his pants and she knew he wasn't going to turn her down.

He falls her up the stairs and he couldn't help it. His eyes were glued to her butt as she walks in front of him.

As soon as they were in the privacy of the residence, he pushed her against the wall. "You are so flipping hot!" He kisses her deeply and passionately.

She grabs his tie and pulls on it. "Take me to bed!"

He did as he was told, picking her up, throwing her over his shoulder and taking her straight to their room.

He tosses her on the bed and hovers over her. "So dang hot!" He pulls her dress over her head, moaning the whole time.

"What's your plans for the day?" She asks.

"Making love." He bends down and takes her boob into his mouth causing her to groan.

"Yessssssss, babyyyyyyyyyyy!" She groans loudly.

He is encouraged by her response, works his way further down her body.

As he dips his fingers into her womanhood, she arches her back, grabs the sheets with both hands, and screams.

He collapses on the bed on top of her 15 minutes later all sweaty and out of breath.

"Oh my God, babe!" She runs her fingers through his hair.

"Mmmmmmmm. I love you!" He kisses the side of her neck gently.

"I hope your day is better now." She winks.

"That erased any trace of a bad day." He kisses her lazily.

"I love you." She curls up in his side and closes her eyes, so sleepy from their shenanigans.

He holds her, watching her sleep, trying to figure out how he got so lucky.

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