I Need Space

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Melania was standing in bedroom she shared with her husband, taking mirror selfies, of her body from every angle. For some reason, she was feeling very insecure and she wasn't exactly sure why.

Donald comes in from golfing, walking in their room, to find her in front of the mirror. "Aren't you beautiful?" He murmured, as he softly kissed her neck.

"Why do you always have to touch me?!" She pulled away from him.

He was rather shocked by her reaction. "I'm sorry.. I haven't seen you all day... I've missed you." He sits back on their bed.

"Don't sit on the bed! You stink and you're all sweaty!" She nagged.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've been sweaty in this bed." He winked, trying to lighten the mood.

She wasn't the least bit impressed. "You're not funny." She starts out of the room and he softly grabs her arm, to stop her.

"Babe... what is wrong?" He asks, gently, genuinely concerned.

"There is nothing wrong! I don't want to be touched! Why can't you understand that?!" She pulls out of his grip.

"Because I'm your husband... and I love you." He answers, softly.

"Well, if you really love me, you won't touch me anymore."

"Anymore?! What is that suppose to mean?! Like permanently?!" He was starting to get a little nervous.

"IT MEANS KEEP YOUR FREAKING HANDS OFF MY BODY AND OUT OF MY SPACE!!!!!!!!!" She stormed out of the room, leaving him standing there absolutely shocked.

He decided to take a shower and give her some space. He was so bothered by the fact that she was being like this. He hadn't done anything.

As the evening drug on, she stayed away from him and Barron at all costs.

He decided to call in dinner that way she didn't have to mess with making anything.

She hadn't left her in home office since her little anger fit.

He knocked on the door and stuck his head in. "I ordered dinner in. Do you want to eat with us or do you want me to bring you a plate in here?" He asks, gently.

She looks up and he can tell by the look on her face that she's annoyed. "Since you ordered it... I'm going to assume it's what YOU like.. and I don't feel like eating garbage today. I'll make a smoothie later."

"Actually, it's the Italian restaurant you like, but suit yourself. I'm not going to force you to eat." He leans his head against the door, so confused.

"Ordering my favorite restaurant isn't going to get you a blowjob or whatever it is you're looking for. Nice try." She rolls her eyes.

He steps into her office, shutting the door, so Barron doesn't hear whatever may happen next. "Listen, Melania. I didn't ask for a freaking blowjob. That was the furthest thing from my mind when I ordered dinner. I don't know what your deal is, but I'm just trying to be a good husband!"

She scoffs. "That would be a first."

His jaw about hits the floor. "Excuse me?"

She gets in his face, nose to nose with him. "You're the furthest thing from a good husband. All you care about is me on your arm because you think it looks good and sex. That's all you've ever wanted from me."

Her words hurt, and it took everything in his power to not lose it right there. "Baby, that is not true and you know it. Tell me what is going on. Where did this come from?" He softly rubbed her cheek with his thumb.

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