Boo, baby!

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Halloween was always a favorite in the Trump house. From the time Barron was little bitty, they made a big deal out of Halloween. Their now 5 year old son, loved Halloween. He looked forward to it every year.

This year, the boy chose to be a tiger for Halloween. That's what he wanted to be, so Mommy and Daddy were more than happy to get him a tiger costume.

On the morning of Halloween day, Melania was up rather early. She was extremely tired, but just couldn't sleep.

Donald laid on their bed and watched her wash her face in the bathroom. "Baby, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just really tired. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm dreading this day, but anything for our boy." She muttered from the bathroom.

He knew something was wrong. So he got up and walks into the bathroom.

Wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, he whispers. "What's wrong, baby girl?"

She leans back and relaxes in his embrace. "I'm just really tired. I don't want to be out on my feet all day, but Barron has been looking forward to this for months. I can't let him down."

He kisses the side of her cheek gently. "I'll tell you what. I'll take him today. You just rest. Him and I need some father-son time. Sleep all day, baby."

"You would do that for me?" She asks, almost shocked.

"Of course I would. I don't think he would mind either. He likes when I take him out. Just nap all day, baby." He places a gentle kiss on her cheek again.

So that's exactly what they decided to do.

Melania did help him get Barron dressed in his costume. She barely had time to kiss them both before Barron was pulling Donald out the door.

She slept all day. She needed it. She had been so busy with her new business that she hadn't been resting like she should. Being a wife, mom, and business owner was a lot of work.

Finally, it started getting dark out. So Donald and Barron headed home.

Donald picks Barron up as they approach the house. "Here's the deal, son. Daddy is going to go in and give you a bath. Then I'll read to you. Mommy is really tired so we are going to let her sleep. Okay?"

The young boy almost cries. He hadn't seen his mommy all day and he missed her terribly. "Okay, Daddy."

Donald could see the hurt in his son's eyes. "I promise. It's okay. We will spend all day tomorrow with Mommy. You can share your candy and tell her all about your day."

His little eyes lit up. "Yayyyyyyy!"

Donald carried him inside, hung his costume up on a hanger, then set the sleepy boy in the bathtub.

Melania heard them talking in the bathroom. She had a surprise for him, and she couldn't wait for him to come into their room.

Donald got Barron out of the tub, dried him off, lotioned him up, put his pajamas on, then cuddled up on his bed to read.

As he read, Barron fell fast asleep. Donald kissed his head and slowly eased out of the bed. He could not wait to see Melania. It had been a long day without his girl.

He walked into their bedroom and gently shut the door behind him, surprised when he saw the bed was empty. "Baby, where are you?"

"I'm in the bathroom." She called out.

He walks into the bathroom and is shocked by the sight. "Whoa! What are you suppose to be for Halloween?!"

She was bent over picking something up off the floor when he walked in.

She was wearing black, lacy lingerie, fishnet hose, and her tallest high heels.

"A Donald Trump tease." She purred as she turned around to face him.

As much as her outfit was racy, it took his breath away. She looked stunning.

"God! Baby!" He couldn't help but look her up and down.

"You like?" She asked as she stepped forward to him.

"I absolutely love." He muttered.

He stepped closer and kisses his neck. "You look sexy." She whispers against his neck.

"I have nothing on you, baby." His hands quickly started wandering all over her body.

It wasn't long and he had picked her up and tossed her on the bed.

"Whatcha doing, Mr. Trump?" She asks.

"Getting ready to make you one happy lady."

One piece at a time, her sexy outfit ended up on the floor. As soon as she was naked, she added his clothes to the pile.

He hovers over her. "I needed this." He whispers as he begins to kiss down her neck.

"Me too, baby. Barron's asleep, right?"

"Yes, ma'am." He whispers as he works his way down some more, teasing her breasts with his tongue, causing her to moan loudly.

"I want you so bad!" She calls out as she digs her nails into his back, feeling his tongue and lips all over her body.

"Your wish is my command." He winks.

After much moaning, groaning, sweating, and a few screams, he collapses on the bed beside her. "My God, baby! That was hot!"

"It was. Thank you." She whispers as she cuddles up beside him.

"My pleasure. Thank you for getting all dolled up for me." He smiles and kisses her gently.

"If that is going to be the result, I'll do it more often." She winks.

"I love you so much." He kisses her head and holds her close.

"I love you more." She mutters.

Being exhausted from their love making, they quickly fall asleep in each other's arms.

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