Good Morning

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Donald always look up in some kind of mood. Didn't matter if it was good or bad. And some mornings, he woke up in "THE mood".

Melania wasn't much of a morning person, but she loved him, so she tried to be pleasant with him in the mornings. Even if he did want to take and she didn't.

Their mornings were about the same. He woke up every morning first, then cuddled her until she had to get up. She would get out of bed first, get half way dressed, then do her hair and makeup. He always liked to take his shower while she was doing her hair and makeup. It started their day off right.

Today was one of those days where he was just ready to take a bite of her.

He was beyond happy to find her still in her robe when he walked into the bathroom. "You look sexy this morning." He said with the cheekiest smile.

She smiled in the mirror at him. "I'm glad you think so."

"You're looking like a four-course meal today actually!" He smacked her butt.

"Don't get me all hot and bothered." She threatened.

He whispers needfully in her ear. "Trust me. I'll take good care of you." He slowly shut the door and locked it.

"What are you doing? You never lock the door." By this time she was ready to let him have his way with her.

"This morning is about Mrs. Trump." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and slowly started untying her robe.

She was already moaning. He slowly pulled her robe down her arms until it hit the floor. And there she stood. Head back, moaning, completely naked besides the small thong that covered her womanhood.

He started leaving kisses all over her back. Every time his lips or hands touched her body, her skin burned.

Slowly he worked his way down. He hooked his fingers around the sides of her thong and began to slowly pull it off. As soon as the thong hit the floor, he took a sexy bite of her butt cheek.

"Oh my God! Donald John!" She moaned.

"You're such a sexy woman." He kissed his way back up her body, wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her boobs as he stared at her naked body in the mirror.

"You have way too much clothes on, Mr. President!" She was so turned on. He could tell by her body language that she would do anything he asked.

"You're so turned on, I'm pretty sure you would drink your coffee on the Truman Balcony like this."

"Don't you wish." She leaned her head back and started licking his neck.

"No, but I do know that if I tell you to sit on the countertop and spread your legs, you would." He knew she would.

And she did exactly like she was asked. Without hesitation.

He started kissing her neck. "Mmmmmmmmmm." He moaned against her neck.

Then. The interruption came.

"Mom, are you almost done? My bathroom shower isn't working and I can't be late for school." Barron called out from the other side of the locked door.

Donald decided to be extremely naughty. He instantly started sucking on her boobs the moment he heard his son's voice.

That drove her insane. And he knew it. She wanted to moan so bad, but she knew she couldn't.

She tried to stable her voice. "Barron, honey, it's going to be a few minutes. There's a shower downstairs. Just go use the shower downstairs and I'll have your shower fixed today."

"Okay, Mom." He said before he disappeared.

Melania heard the click of their bedroom door latching behind him, she instantly moaned extremely loud.

"You're so naughty! Sucking my boobs like that when your son is right there!" She groaned.

He just smiled and kissed started kissing all over her belly. Then her thighs. Then her womanhood.

She moaned and groaned. Grinding her hips with the movements of his tongue.

She had her head back and her eyes closed, but through her cries of pleasure, she heard his boxers hit the floor.

He slid her butt off the counter a little bit, and that's when the moaning and groaning became much louder and more intense.

When it was all over, they took a shower together to wash their sweatiness off.

He was walking to his dresser to get a white undershirt and she was sitting on the bed, trying to work up the energy to get dressed. Their early morning shenanigans exhausted her.

She started laughing. "You don't have any doctors appointments soon, do you?"

"No why?" He looked at her really weird.

"Because your First Lady marked her territory this morning." She blushed slightly, then ran her finger over the claw and nail marks in his back and the teeth marks on his shoulder from her biting her.

He looked at his back and shoulder in the mirror and laughed. "One of these days you're gonna make me bleed."

She walked around and wrapped her arms around him. "The day I make you bleed is the day we stop having sex."

"That's not happening anytime soon." He smiled widely and kissed her nose.

"I love you." She smiled so big at him.

"I love you so much more." He kissed her slowly.

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