No Tricks with you- Only Treats

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Donald gets home from a long day of interviews, campaign ads, and getting ready for his upcoming presidential announcement.

Melania is standing in the kitchen eating an apple when he walks in the room and she immediately grins. "Hey, honey."

"Hi, beautiful." He wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her forehead.

"Did you have a good day?" She sets the apple down on the counter, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him several times.

He grins. "Much better now." He kisses her back, before nuzzling into her neck, causing her to giggle.

He picks her up under her butt, sitting her on the counter, as he kisses her neck.

She moans softly before pushing him away. "You can't do that!" She giggles and slides down off the counter.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyy?! I haven't seen you all day?!" He pouts. "And besides that... it's been almost 2 weeks!"

"Your son is home... AND he brought one of his friends." She gently pushes against his chest. "Besides that... 2 weeks isn't that long. You had to wait for 8 after I had Barron!"

He walks to the other side of the kitchen and opens the refrigerator. "That boy has been ruining my fun for 16 years now."

"Yeah and you wouldn't trade him for anything either." She reminds him, as she kisses his cheek.

"Hey! Are you going to the Halloween party with me tonight?!" He asks, turning around quickly.

"Ummmm. I wasn't planning on it." She had honestly forgotten about it and she had much better things in mind anyways.

"Come on, babe! We haven't been on a date in several weeks." He pouts, again.

"It wouldn't be a date anyways because you'll have people there with us. I'll go next time. I promise." She leans up on her tiptoes, stealing a kiss from him.

"Don't make promises you can't keep! I'll start calling you a Democrat!" He laughs.

"Watch it, Trump!" She warns, as she disappears down the hall.

Later in the evening, he gets out of the shower to head to the party.

He walks into their room wearing only his boxers as he dries off. "Are you sure you don't want to go with me?"

She looks up from their bed, reading a book. "I'm positive. I would rather sit here in the silence of this house and eat chocolate and read my book."

"Whatever you say, baby." He disappears into the closet.

He comes out fully dressed, putting on his belt. "Tie or no tie?"

She looks up again. "You look more relaxed without a tie, but I won't be with you to enjoy it, so tie." She winks.

He teasingly rolls his eyes as he ties his tie and slips on his shoes.

He walks over to the bed and bends down and kisses her softly. "Mmmmm your lips taste like chocolate."

She grins and puckers. "Then have some more."

He kisses her again, much more passionately than the first time, causing her to moan as she slides her hand onto the back of his head.

After a few seconds, he slowly pulls away and she groans. "You know... instead of going to some stupid party where grown adults dress up like trash, you could climb in bed with me and let me enjoy you for the night."

"Ohhhhhh... that's tempting... but I'm starving. And your chocolate flavored lips aren't going to do the trick." He kisses her forehead.

"I love you... go, so you can come back already." She kisses him quickly then turns back to her book.

"I'll have someone bring you up dinner soon, so you don't have to worry about that." He gets up and fixes his tie, then looks in the mirror, making sure there's no evidence of her lips on his face.

He starts out the door.

"Hey, babe!" She calls from their bed and he slowly turns around. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'll be back soon." He blows her a kiss and leaves, shutting their bedroom door.

After about half an hour, her dinner arrives and she eats it all, super quick, not realizing how hungry she was.

He comes home a couple hours later and she's no longer on their bed and he didn't see her anywhere else.

He quickly notices the bathroom light on that's conjoined to their bedroom. He figures she's taking her evening bath and he doesn't want to bother her.

He walks into the closet, getting undressed and ready for bed, then lays on his side of the bed, catching up on the news on his phone as he waits for her.

After several minutes, the bathroom door slowly opens and she steps into the door way.

He doesn't think anything of it and is continues scrolling on his phone until he hears her clear her throat.

He looks up and is completely shocked, dropping his phone. "What the...." He slowly looks her up and down, drooling at the sight of her.

"I heard you've been a naughty boy lately." The sexiest police officer he's ever seen, slowly walks over to the bed, swinging a pair of handcuffs around her finger.

"Are you going to punish me?" He bites his lip as she crawls up the bed.

"Should I?" She bites her lip as she straddles his waist, alright feeling the tight strain against his boxers.

"I never argue with a hot woman in charge." He reaches down to grab her waist, but she stops him, grabbing his wrists.

"I'm in charge, remember?" She ever so sexily cuffs his wrists to the headboard, her exposed cleavage hanging in his face the entire time.

"My God.... You're going to be the death of me, woman!" He lays helpless, completely uncomfortable the more aroused he becomes, and 100% at her mercy.

After she comes down off her high from finishing with him, she collapses on top of him, completely out of breath and her legs shaking.

He kisses her head. "I know you're spent... but... can you uncuff me. I want to hold you, baby." He whispers softly against her hair.

"Oh, crap! I forgot." She slowly reaches up, letting him go and he immediately grabs her, pulling her into his side, holding her close.

"You didn't have to do all that, baby. I know it's a lot of work... and not really your favorite thing." He kisses her softly, as he studies her now sleepy eyes.

"I know I didn't... but we needed it." She kisses him back, as she plays with his hair.

"I love you so freaking much. Even if you did drive me to the point of insanity." He winks.

"Mmmmmmm... it was hot too." She closes her eyes, never wanting to forget their hot night.

"No tricks with you, baby, only treats." He grins as she kisses him.

"You made me sleepy." She yawns and cuddles closer into him.

"Go to sleep. I'll hold you. I'm not going anywhere." He gently tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

She whispers as she dozes off. "I know. That's my favorite thing about you. No matter what happens, I know you aren't going anywhere."

He smiles and watches her sleep in his arms. 

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