First Kiss

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Donald and Melania had been dating for well over a month.

He was surprised by how well he was behaving himself around her. It had been a month, almost two, and he hadn't kissed her, told her he loved her, or taken her to bed. They held hands, but only when she wanted.

There was something about her. He didn't want to run her off. He wanted this to last forever. Taking things slow was how she liked it, and he was more than happy to honor her wishes.

It was December and he had taken her on a nice, romantic date. Afterwards, he knew she wouldn't be wanting to go to his apartment, but he wasn't quite ready to leave her yet.

"Honey, do you want to take a walk around Central Park?" He asks as they walk out of the restaurant.

"Sure. I love Central Park at Christmas time." She easily slides her hand into his as they walk and he willingly holds it.

The happy couple giggled and talked as they walked through the quiet park. Just enjoying being together.

They came up to an opening, where it was quiet. No one around but the two of them.

"Let's sit down." She whispers, not wanting to disturb the silence.

He was happy to sit down with her, longer they got to be together.

They sit down and almost instantly she lays her head on his arm. He couldn't help but smile.

"It really is beautiful out here, isn't it?" He wonders aloud.

"Absolutely perfect." She says softly, enjoying the moment.

"It's beautiful, but I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing more beautiful than you." He couldn't help it, he leans over and kisses the top of her head gently.

"Oh, Donald John. You're so incredibly sweet to me. Thank you for loving me. I had heard all about your reputation when we went on our first date and I was kinda nervous. But you've been nothing short of patient and amazing." She reaches out slowly for his hand again.

"You know I love you? I haven't even told you I loved you." He whispers.

"You don't have to tell me. I already know."

"I won't tell you until you're ready for us to move in that direction. I don't care how long it takes." He tells her sweetly.

"I'm ready. I'm ready for I love yous, kisses, and being called baby. I'm ready for that. I trust you. I know you're not going to break my heart."

"You're right. I'm not. And you just so happened to pick the right place to sit down." He slowly looks up. Drawing her attention to the mistletoe hanging above them. "Can I?" He asks.

"Please do." She whispers.

He slowly leans over, putting his hands on her face, kissing her ever so slowly and tenderly.

She couldn't help it, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling them closer together as they kissed.

He never wanted the moment to end. It was perfect.

He starts to slowly back off, not wanting to push it. She shakes her head no and leans in wanting more.

After several minutes of long, loving kisses, she slowly pulls away, smiling from ear to ear.

"That was the perfect first kiss." She whispers.

"I agree." He leans and kisses her gently.

Both having their eyes closed and not paying attention, it starts snowing.

"Look! Snow! Just for us!" She looks up in awe at the snow and the magic of the moment.

"Just for us." He smiles, looking up.

"Okay. Enough with the snow. You can kiss me again." She smiles, leaning in.

He was happy to indulge. Leaning in and kisses her slowly, exploring her mouth with his tongue for the first time.

This time pulling away was more breathless.

"I love you, baby." He whispers then leans in and starts kissing her again.

She can't help but smile as they kiss. Everything she ever wanted was happening, and she couldn't wait to see what was next.

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