Baby! I'm Scared!

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Note: Just a friendly reminder that this is just a fanfic. Just a story. Hope you enjoy!

Melania does not have very many fears in life. She never has. She's always been nearly fearless. From her childhood, now in her adulthood, she's brave and adventurous. She's never afraid to try new things or activities. She loves to enjoy life. This is a characteristic of hers that he's always loved.

As much as she's strong, brave, and adventurous, she does have one fear. And it gets to her.

She's afraid of storms. As a child, storms scared her. She was nearly stuck by lightening when she was little and it was a terrifying experience for her. Still to this day, if it's storming, she stays inside with Barron right beside her.

Storms at night are the worst for her. Because she's normally awaken out of a deep sleep.

Donald was out of town for the weekend. He was watching the news when he saw it was going to storm that night back in New York.
"Dang it! I have to get on a plane now!"

He cancels all his meetings for the next two days, throws his stuff in his suitcase, and gets on the next plane.

He does not beat the storm home and she lays in their bed sobbing. "I miss my baby." She holds his pillow close to her chest.

It does not stop and it only gets worse. So she decides to text him hoping to distract her from the storm.

Melania- Baby, I miss you so much.😭

Donald- I know. I'll be home as soon as I can, honey. I miss you beyond words.💔

At this point, he's at the airport and on his way home, but she doesn't know that. And he wants to surprise her.

Melania- It's storming so bad here. It makes me miss you even more.

Donald- Of course it hasn't stormed for a month, but storms when I'm gone.🙄

Melania- It's okay, baby. I need to grow up and quit being a baby.

Donald- Everyone has fears in life. Yours just so happens to be storms. That doesn't make you a baby. You had a bad experience.

Melania- Awww, honey. You're so loving and supportive.

Donald- Only for my girl.😉😘

He's now pulling up to their apartment. He slips his phone in his pocket and heads upstairs. He feels his phone vibrate in his pant's pocket, but since he's so close, he ignores it.

He gently creeps inside, trying to be quiet not wanting to startle her.

He slowly walks into their room and finds her in the fettle position on the floor crying.

"BABE! What is wrong?!" He asks genuinely concerned.

"Baby, I'm so scared. The power just went off. I'm so scared!" She doesn't even register that he's not suppose to be home.

"Oh, honey. It's okay. I'm here now." He kicks shoes off, takes his jacket and dress shirt off, then picks her up lays her on the bed. "It's okay. Just breathe"

He pulls her close to him and he can feel that she's shaking and her heart is racing. "It's okay, baby girl. I'm right here. Everything is going to be okay."

"Is Barron okay?!"

"I'm sure he's fine. Do you want me to bring him in here?"

"Yes, please." She mutters terrified.

He lights a candle beside her side of the bed. Then he makes up a little bed on the floor for their son.

Not long later, he walks in carrying the sleeping 6 year old over his shoulder.

He lays him on the floor in his pallet on Melania's side of the bed, covers him up, and kisses his head.

He crawls back in bed with her and holds her close. "Right there where Momma can see him at all times. He's fine. Just relax."

She takes a deep breath, relieved that both her boys are okay. "I'm so scared, baby." She can see the lightening through the crack of the curtains and the thunder is rattling the walls.

"It's okay. It'll be over soon." He gently brushes the hair out of her face and strokes the side of her face. "I love you."

"Why are you home? You're not suppose to be home for like 2 more days."

"Well, I was watching the news today and saw it was suppose to storm. I didn't want you to be alone, knowing how bad storms bother you. So I cancelled all my meetings and got on the next available flight."

She starts getting emotional. "You did that? For me?"

"Of course I did, baby. I know you hate storms and I didn't want you to be alone." He kisses her gently.

She looks up at him in complete love as tears run down her cheeks. "That is the sweetest and most thoughtful thing someone has ever done for me. Thank you, baby. Thank you for always loving me."

"Always and forever, darling. You're my girl until the end."

She throws her leg over his, finally relaxing a little bit.

He in return puts an arm around her pulling her as close as he can. "You look beautiful, by the way."

"Whatever. I'm sure I look awful."

"Absolutely not. You're the most beautiful woman I've laid my eyes on." He kisses her nose and smiles.

"Thank you, honey. You're going to have a happy little boy in the morning when he finds out Daddy is home." She smiles knowing how much Barron missed him.

"Oh. I've missed my boy, but I really missed his momma. A ton. Life is boring without you."

She presses her lips against his gently.

After kissing, she slowly pulls away, "I'm one lucky girl."

"I'm glad you think so, baby girl."

"Of course I think so. What man drops his trip to come home to his wife when he knows she's scared? None. I'm lucky."

He smiles. "Anything to make you happy."

"I'm beyond happy. I've never been happier."

He lifts her chin and kisses her.

He kisses her until he finally doesn't see lightening and doesn't hear the crash of thunder.

"Thank you, baby, for distracting me and calming me down."

"That's my job, darling." He kisses the tip of her nose. "You should go to sleep."

"I'm going to. Right now."

She goes to sleep laying on him. He's still laying in his white undershirt and dress pants, but he refuses to move. He wants her to sleep.

So, they fall asleep together. Him still fully dressed and her snuggled into his side.

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