And Then There Were 4

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Trump Baby #2 was set to arrive in just a few short weeks.

The proud parents were beyond excited, but the to do list was never ending. Especially since Mama was nesting.

She hears him groaning and cursing from across the hall in the baby's nursery. She waddles in, causing him to look up. "I told you you should have paid someone to put her crib together." Melania gives him "the look."

"I don't need anyone to put this together. I got it!" He says, confidently.

"Donald, it's been 2 hours and how many times have you had to take pieces apart?" She puts her hands on her hips.

"Okay, maybe you were right. I just didn't think it was that hard." He shakes his head in disbelief.

She sits down in the rocker in the corner of the room. "Maybe it would help if you would..... read the instructions?"

He mocks her and picks up the instructions, reading them for the first time.

She puts her hand on her belly, watching him. "Hey.. come feel this." She rubs her hand over her large belly.

"Is she moving?" He crawls over to her, kissing her belly gently, before laying his hand where hers was.

"She's already a Daddy's girl." Melania smiles at him.

He leans up, kissing her gently. "I'm so ready to meet her, but I'm going to miss this."

"I'm ready for her to be out of there. Her gymnastic tricks at 2am is exhausting." She giggles.

"Soon enough, baby." He kisses her forehead.

"Aren't you suppose to be putting a crib together?" She reminds him.

"Yeah... yeah..." He rolls his eyes and sits back down on the floor.

As he puts the crib together, Melania founds her tiny little clothes and put them in the dresser.

"What are we going to name this child, honey?" Melania asks.

"I don't know... I never would have imagined we would be having another one, so, I don't have a clue." He says, rather nonchalantly.

"Maybe we'll know when we see her."

After several more hours, he finally gets the crib done.

"Babe, come look at this and tell me where you want it!" He yells down the hall.

Slowly, she waddles into the room, out of breath, causing him to giggle. "Watch it, Trump!" She warns.

"Hey... I think you're adorable." He winks.

"Yeah... yeah..." She walks over to stand by him. "Baby, it's perfect. I love it right where it is." She wraps her arms around his waist.

He kisses her head. "Now to put a baby in it." He beams.

"I'm so glad I get to do this with you." She smiles up at him.

"There's no other woman I would want to have a baby with this late in life." He leans down, kissing her lips.

Later that night, she's packing her hospital bag and he's laying in their bed and he hears her groan.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He sits up on the bed, looking over at her.

"Nothing. My back is just hurting." She rubs her lower back.

"You've probably done too much today. Go take a hot bath and I'll rub your back." He gets up, shutting the suitcase.

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