A Surprise Trip

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On a long,  rainy day at the White House, Donald gets bored and decides he wants to surprise Melania. As she's been stressed lately because of the fake news attacking them daily, he decides he wants to take her out of town for the weekend.

After much planning, he goes to her office with a vase of red and white roses and knocks on the door.

"Baby, it's me," he says. She gently opens the door to let him in, "I'm surprised to see you." she says gently kissing his cheek and shutting the door.

"Well, I've missed you today and I thought I would cheer up your rainy day with some roses." he says handing her the flowers. "Awwwww! Honey! They are gorgeous! Thank you so much, honey," giving him a thank you kiss and smiling widely.

"I have another surprise for you too, gorgeous." Totally surprised and shocked she says, "Honey, what have you done now?"

"Well, I know the media has given you a run for your money lately and I know you've been terribly stressed. So, I'm going to kidnap you for the weekend," he says, "I had a bag packed for you, Barron is with your parents, and  Air Force One is waiting at Joint Base Andrews to take the President and First Lady to Florida for the weekend." he says smiling at her and kisses her forehead.

Needing a getaway because she's been so stressed, she gets emotional. "Baby, I don't know what to say. I don't deserve you or your kindness. Thank you so much." Feeling overwhelmed by his love, he hugs him tightly and a tear escapes her eyes.

So happy and enjoying life, she grabs his hand as they walk across the South Lawn to Marine One. "Thank you, honey, for being so sweet and romantic. I'm so happy to get away with you for a few days. I love you so much," she says rubbing his hand with her thumb.

As the plane takes off, he leans over and kisses her gently. "Can you believe they think we are having marriage problems and headed for divorce?" he kisses her again, "I love you too, darling! I hope you enjoy our little getaway, baby!"

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