Only Me and You

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Donald and Melania had been dating for several years. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this woman, but he didn't know how to tell her. He forever hoped she would say yes, but he still had a little bit of doubt left in his mind.

He wanted her to feel special and loved, but after being with someone for so long, he knew it would be hard. He knew she was expecting it, but he wanted to surprise her.

So, he decided he would randomly propose on her birthday.

They were planning to attend the Met Gala. He was in his bathroom getting ready. As the time went on, he began to get more nervous. This is the woman he wants to be with forever. What if she tells him no?!

Finally he works up the courage and walks out to the dining room where she's getting her hair and makeup done.

He sees her for the first time and can't help but think about how gorgeous she is. "Baby, you look stunning!" He says as he looks at her in awe.

"Awww thanks, honey. You look pretty handsome yourself. Come give me a kiss." She smiles and puckers her lips waiting.

He walks over and kisses her gently. "I love you."

"I love you too baby." He sits down beside her and holds her hand as they finish doing her hair.

After being completely ready, she kisses his cheek. "I'm ready, baby. Are you?"

"No, come into the living room. We need to talk."

Shocked, she follows him. "Is everything okay?!" She asks worried.

"Fine, baby. Just relax. I just needed to be alone with you for a few minutes before we leave."

She thinks his gesture is sweet, but doesn't think anything of it.

He walks over to the big window in the living room of their penthouse. The New York skyline is all lit up because it's night time and it's completely gorgeous.

He wraps his hands around her waist and pulls her close. "This view is gorgeous, but nothing compares to you, baby."

"Awww. Thanks, baby." She says kissing his cheek.

"I'm so lucky, darling. I have never loved someone so much. You have made my life complete. You make me a better man. You made me realize I am so much less without you. You are the calm to my storm. You speak peace into my chaotic life. You give me hope on my worst day. You are so pure and genuine. You make me the happiest man alive. That's why I have a question for you.

She realizes what's happening and starts getting emotional as he gets down on one knee.

He takes her hand in his. "I know we've been through a lot since we've been together, but we're stronger now because of it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Melania, will you make me the luckiest man alive and marry me?" He pulls a ring box out of his pocket and opens it, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring.

She starts crying. "Oh my God! Yes! A thousand times! Yes! I'll marry you!"

He smiles and slides the ring on to her ring finger. He stands up and wraps his arms around her. "I love you."

"Oh, baby! I love you so much." She says before cupping his face with her hands and kissing him tenderly for a long time.

She looks down at her ring. "Gosh. It's beautiful! You did a good job! I can't believe I'm marrying the man of my dreams." She says kissing him again.

"We need to go, baby, but I promise we'll celebrate privately later." He says as he winks and gently smacks her butt. "I can't wait to make you my Mrs." He kisses her cheek then takes her hand. Walking out with the woman to soon be his wife.

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