Need or Want?

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Donald and Melania had fallen asleep for the night, like always, in each other's arms.

She had a crazy sexy dream and she woke up completely turned on.

She looked over at the clock that read 3:30 am. "God! I have a long time to wait." She thought.

She could not sleep. The longer she laid next to him, the worse it got. She tossed and turned endlessly. She knew she needed to get up and take a cold shower, but she didn't want to disturb his sleep.

He was a heavy sleeper, but he woke up feeling her move around in the bed so much.

"Are you okay?" He asks sleepily.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just can't sleep." She lied.

"Oh. Come here then." He pulled her closer to him.

Which made everything worse. Being right next to him, she was about to lose her mind.

So she starts kissing all over his chest.

"Whatcha doing, baby?" He asks quickly becoming more alert.

"Loving on you." She smiles between kisses.

She kisses all over his neck, up his jawline, and on his lips. Then goes back down his jawline, stopping to nibble on his ear.

"Someone is horny." He whispers.

"I am and I have no shame." She admits as she kisses all over his chest.

He quickly rolls over so he's on top and holds her arms over her head. "My turn to do the kissing."

He kissed down her neck, all over her chest, paying close attention to her boobs. Which makes her moan. Like always.

And like always, her moans just encourage him to keep going.

He moves on from her boobs, down to her stomach, up and down her legs.

Then the teasing. He bites at her inner thighs. Getting closer and closer to what she wants.

She is already moaning and she's ready to start begging. "Please, baby?" She pleads. "Please?"

He finally gives in and gives her what she wants.

Only for a short time before kissing his way back up to her lips.

After their long, sloppy kiss, she pulls away. "I need you."

"Need or want?" He asks cheekily.

"Need." She gives him major puppy eyes which melts his heart.

So, he slowly spreads her legs, and enters her.

After much moaning and sweating he collapses on the bed beside her.

She can't help but giggle. "Are you okay, Mr. Trump?" She asks.

"I'm the happiest man alive right now." He teases.

"Awww, baby." She giggles.

"You sure know how to take care of someone in bed, darling." He kisses her cheek.

"You did the work." She admits, knowing she's right.

"Well, true, but it was worth it." He kisses her lips gently.

"I love you." She whispers as she curls back up in his side.

"Can you wake up like that more often?" He asks.

"No promises. You better get to sleep. You have to be up in a few hours!"

"I know. I love you." He kisses her gently then cuddles her close.

"I love you more. Thank you for fulfilling my desires." She kisses his cheek.

"My pleasure, babe." He kisses her head and closes his eyes.

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