Happy Birthday, Baby Boy

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Donald and Melania woke up extremely early on the morning of March 20, 2007. It was their baby boy's first birthday.

Melania started to stir and Donald felt her hair tickle his chin. "Good morning, baby." He kisses her head as she cuddles up into his side.

"No! I do not want this day to happen. I want to sleep it away and act like it never happened." She whines as she cuddles up close to him.

He laughs, knowing she has struggled with the idea of her baby turning 1. "Come on, babe. He is our only baby and he only turns 1 once." He kisses her cheek.

They are laying cuddled up together, both silently remembering back to the day their boy came into the world. Their thoughts are interrupted as they hear their chipper, morning- person, little boy talk to himself through the baby monitor that sits on Melania's nightstand.

"Some little boy is happy this morning." Melania whispers as she listens to her little guy talk to himself.

"Mama?" the boy calls from the floor above his parents' room.

"How are you going to turn that 'mama' down?" Donald asks.

"I'm not." She pulls the blankets off of herself, puts her robe on, and jogs up the stairs towards their baby's room.

After a quick diaper change, she returns with their smiley boy.

"DADDY!" Barron cheers as soon as he sees Donald.

"Happy birthday, buddy." Donald takes him out of Melania's arms.

Barron claps for himself and gives his parents a toothy smile.

"He's the cutest." Melania proudly looks at her boy.

"Like his mom." Donald winks.

Barron cuddles up in between them and watches cartoons and Melania selfishly holds onto him, knowing one day he will not want to lay in between them anymore.

"Hungry, mommy!" The one year old playfully smacks her face as she reads a book.

"How about pancakes and banana?"

"Daddy says that sounds absolutely amazing." Donald winks from the other side of the mattress.

"Hey! You never kissed me this morning!" Melania informs him.

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