Impatient, Are We

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I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've written!🫣  It's been a while, so I'm a little rusty.🫠 Therefore, this is short..... and "sweet"😏

Donald and Melania had been separated for a few days due to hitting the campaign trial hard.

He got in late in the night, standing in the kitchen, with the refrigerator open.

He was pleasantly surprised when he felt her warm hands slide around his abdomen. "What are you doing up?" He smiles, as he turns around, to admire her beautiful face.

"I missed you... and I wanted to see you." She smiles sweetly, puckering for a kiss.

He leans down and indulges her, leaving a lingering kiss on her perfect lips.

She grabs a handful of his shirt on the back, leaning up. "Please do that again."

He grins against her lips. "Did you miss me?" He kisses her deeper.

She moans against his lips. "Mmmmmmm hmmmmmm."

He pulls away grinning. "Let me take a shower and clean up and I'll meet you in our bed." He winks.

She pouts. "Do you have to take a shower?!"

"Baby, I've given 2 speeches in the scorching sun and I flew for 4 hours. I need to take a shower." He chuckles.

"Make it quick!" She bites her lip and starts walking down the ball towards their bedroom.

"Okay, sexy mama!!" He follows close behind her, smacking her butt.

He jumps in the shower, his head back, shampooing his blonde hair.

She slips in the shower with him, nuzzling in his neck and wrapping her arms around his waist.

"What are you doing?!" He giggles.

"I don't want to wait." She kisses all over his neck, making her intentions known.

"Impatient, are we?" He winks as he runs his hands down her bare back.

"Do you want me to go back to bed?" She teases.

He kisses down her chest, slowly taking her hard nipple between his teeth, shaking his head no.

Goosebumps immediately cover her soft skin at his touch. "Oh, my God.... I need you." She moans softly.

"How bad?" He teases, taking her other nipple into his mouth.

"Put your hand between my legs and find out for yourself."

He does as he's told, instantly causing moans to escape both mouths.

His moan coming from the satisfaction as to what he can still do to her after all these years.

Her moan coming from the feeling of his fingers on her wet, tingling pussy.

"Baby girl......" He gasps out, as he watches her head fall back as he uses his expert fingers.

"Please don't stop!" Her voice hitches, letting the feeling of pleasure overtake her body and mind.

"But I really want to push you up on this wall and show you how much I need you." He moans into her ear, as he continues.

"I'm not stopping you." She lets out.

In no time, he has her pushed up against the shower wall, buried deep within her.

She leans back on him, coming down from her high. "I needed that." She smiles, still out of breath.

He wraps his arms around her. "You can welcome me home like that every time." He smirks.

"I'm sure you would like that, wouldn't you?" She turns, kissing him long and slow, enjoying the warm shower with her lover. 

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