A Casual Date Night

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Donald and Melania are romantics. They both love all things romantic. He wasn't a romantic until Melania came into his life. Now he's all for the romantic things of life.

Living in New York, they were always busy. There's always somewhere to be done. Having a young son, there is always school plays to attend. Red Carpet events that the famous couple are expected to be on. They never just have down time.

Donald sat in his office after a long day, thinking about their lives.

He was thinking and realized they hadn't been on a date alone in so long. He couldn't even remember the last time. They either go to red carpet events or they are going out with friends. And that is when their young son isn't tagging along.

He misses being alone with her. Not that their relationship is suffering, but he just misses having her undivided attention. They love their son, but he can be quite the distraction.

So...He went to the floral shop, got some flowers and her favorite chocolates before heading up to their Trump Tower penthouse.

He went upstairs and found her sitting on the floor coloring with Barron.

"Hey, babe. Come into the kitchen."

She kisses Barron's head, then walks into the kitchen. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah. Your love. Come here."

She wraps her arms around him. "I've missed you today, baby." She says as she kisses his lips.

"I missed you more. I've got a couple surprises for you." He reaches behind him and gives her the flowers and chocolates. "Here, baby."

"Oh gosh, Donald John! They are beautiful! Thank you so much, honey." She gives him a thank you kiss then smells the flowers.

"I have another surprise for you too."

"Oh?" She asks surprised.

"I know you like being home with Barron for dinner and I understand that. So after dinner, I want to go somewhere. Your mom is coming to stay with Barron. We just need to be alone for a few hours."

"Oh, baby. I've been wanting to do something like this. Can we just drive? I just want to go for a drive. No driver. No little one in the back seat jabbering. Just us."

"That sounds absolutely perfect." He kisses her cheek. "I love you."

She smiles up at him. "I love you too."

They eat dinner and Melania takes Barron upstairs to start getting him ready for bed.

"Come on, Barron. Let's take a bath." Melania calls.

"Mom!! The sun is still up!!! It's not bed time!" The 3 year old protests from his playroom.

"I know, but Mommy and Daddy are going out tonight and I want you to be ready for bed so Nana doesn't have to do it." She explains as she runs the bath water.

"NANA IS COMING?!!!!" The boy runs down the hall, stripping as he runs, and arriving in the bathroom completely naked.

Melania can't help but to laugh. "That got your attention."

She gave Barron a bath, put his pajamas on him, and set out his clothes for the next day.

It wasn't long and Donald was upstairs looking for her. "Baby, you are a fantastic mom." He tips her chin, kissing her long and slow. "But your mom is here. Get ready."

"I'm sorry. I was just...." she tries to explain, but he interrupts her.

"Taking care of our son... I know, but it's okay. He's in good hands. Your mom is here already." He smiles and kisses her head.

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