Chapter 407: Taking Ant Liquid

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The result of the three people's research was to go to the Planet of Warcraft for training.

Luo Xiaobai also had his own thoughts. The ant liquid for the main mission had not been found yet, and this mission had been delayed for several years.

The three of them were all action types and took the spirit boat directly to the demon cultivation area.

When they came here again, Huangfuyuan and Luo Xiaobai were a little excited.

Before, they both wanted to go to the Planet of Warcraft to have a good time, but there was no chance. Now they can finally go.

"Let's just walk around the outside, don't go too deep." Mo Luo reminded. As a native of the Demonic Cultivation Area, he is very aware of the terror of the monsters on this planet.

Luo Xiaobai waved his hand, with a hint of impatience, "An', we know what's going on."

Huangfuyuan nodded, indicating that he knew.

Mara thought to himself, it would be great if these two people really knew each other.

After the spirit boat docked, the three people got out and looked at the planet that looked like a virgin forest.

"Are you sure there are monsters here?" Luo Xiaobai raised his head and glanced at the sky. It seemed that not a single bird could be seen. Except for a few bugs on the trees, there were almost no living things in the surrounding area.

Mo Luo was also a little surprised, "I've been here before, it's not like this." "

Could someone have been here before and slaughtered all the monsters here?" Huangfu Yuan sniffed the faint smell of blood in the air, this kind of The odds are high.

Mo Luo glanced around and said, "There are no signs of fighting nearby. Even if the monsters are slaughtered, there will always be corpses left behind." "Just walk forward and you will find out." Luo Xiaobai said, but don't let anyone get there first.

, his ant liquid has not been found yet.

The three of them let go of their spiritual consciousness and walked forward. It was quiet along the way. Except for some insects, they did not see any monsters.

"Would you like to try flying?" Luo Xiaobai suggested. They were worried that there would be flying monsters here before, so they didn't fly from above. However, now it's hard to see even a mosquito.

While Mo Luo was still hesitating, Huangfu Yuan was already flying with his sword.

Luo Xiaobai followed closely, and Mo Luo had no choice but to sacrifice his life to accompany him.

Arriving at the center of the planet, they finally discovered something strange.

"There seems to be the sound of fighting ahead." Luo Xiaobai's ears twitched.

"Go over and take a look." Huangfuyuan's fighting spirit was aroused.

The three of them came to the central area of ​​the planet. The trees here had fallen to pieces, and more than a dozen demon cultivators in dark blue costumes were killing monsters.

One of them put the corpses of the monsters in a wide-mouthed reed. No wonder the corpses of the monsters could not be seen along the way.

"It's them!" Mo Luo immediately recognized the identities of these people, and his face became extremely ugly.

"Do you know them?" Huangfuyuan didn't like the smell of these people. The rich smell of blood was mixed with a hint of evil.

Mo Luo nodded, "They are people from the Evil King's Palace. It is better to say that they are evil cultivators than demon cultivators." Regarding the names of evil cultivators, Luo Xiaobai has heard a lot about them, "You mean

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