Chapter 45 Tangled

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"You really can't blame me today. It was Zheng Shuai who found the clinic." After leaving the hotel, Luo Xiaobai started to explain, so as not to ruin his anus after returning home.

Mo Ming absolutely believed this, but he still felt unhappy.

"Go home and settle accounts." Mo Ming pushed the little guy into the car. He didn't see his Audi at the door of the hotel, so he knew that the little guy came in someone else's car.

Luo Xiaobai sat in the passenger seat with lowered eyebrows and shrugged, with grievance written all over his face.

After returning to the villa, before Mo Ming could execute the little guy on the spot, his cell phone called happily. A business partner from France arrived at Mingdu Jewelry Group.

"Spare your life first." Mo Ming slapped the little guy on the butt, and then hurried to the company.

Luo Xiaobai rubbed the patted butt and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

I was thinking about cooking in person at night and bribing Mo Daniao.

But he felt that he was right and there was no need to be so deliberate. On the contrary, he seemed to be guilty of committing a crime.

With the mentality of breaking the pot, Luo Xiaobai started playing computer games.

Time passed by and it was already dark, but Mo Ming had not returned yet.

Thinking of his private meeting with Zheng Shuai during the day, Mo Ming wouldn't go looking for fresh meat, would he?

With this in mind, Luo Xiaobai called.

Mo Ming was at the bar and said he would go home later but would not stay out overnight.

Knowing that Mo Ming was just participating in the drinking party, Luo Xiaobai felt relieved and continued playing his game.

When Mo Ming came back, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

To show his thoughtfulness, Luo Xiaobai also did not rest, but played games while waiting for him.

Seeing this, Mo Ming didn't want to torment the little guy any more, so the two slept peacefully together for the night.

Originally, Luo Xiaobai thought that Zheng Shuai's matter was over, but within three days, Zheng Shuai appeared at the door of the clinic again.

Luo Xiaobai called him aside so as not to block the door of the clinic, and said with disgust: "Why are you here again?" "Xiaobai, since the

person you like is Dong Mo, I won't disturb you. I just want to For the sake of making things easier for us, do me a favor." Zheng Shuai explained his purpose.

Luo Xiaobai didn't know what he was doing, "Tell me."

"That's it. I'm currently working on an investment project for bathing artifacts and need to inject funds." Zheng Shuai grabbed Luo Xiaobai's hand and said, "I I hope you can help me."

Luo Xiaobai withdrew his hand and said, "You must be sick. Let's not talk about whether I have money or not. Why should I help you and dump me to thank you?" "You can say that

. , if I hadn’t dumped you, you wouldn’t have had the chance to be with Dong Mo. I know you don’t have much money, but Dong Mo does. As long as you beg him to take out some of the money under his fingernails, that’s enough. ." Zheng Shuai said shamelessly.

Luo Xiaobai didn't know that this person could be so shameless, and said angrily: "Get out of here, don't let me see you!" "

Xiaobai, you can drive me away, but I won't give up!" Zheng Shuai saw Luo Xiao Bai was annoyed and left unwillingly.

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