Chapter 405 Soul Pearl

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Luo Xiaobai condensed deeply into Mo Ming, and slowly uttered two words, "Soul Pearl."

Mo Ming was stunned when he heard the words, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Okay."

Luo Xiaobai cupped Mo Ming's chest. , even though he had the Wushuang Ring, he was still afraid, so he spoke this way.

Soul beads, as the name suggests, are beads formed from the souls of monks.

A person has three souls and seven souls. If he wants to condense it into a soul bead, he must extract one soul from his life.

Mo Ming did not let the little guy see the process of condensing the soul bead. After it was completed, he turned pale and handed the soul bead to the most important person in his life.

Luo Xiaobai received it seriously into the system space and said jokingly: "During my absence, you are not allowed to have any trouble with others, otherwise I will not return this soul to you." "Here.

" If you don't give me this soul, no one other than you will appear around me." Mo Ming solemnly promised, knowing the little guy's worries. He was afraid that something would happen to him in the magic cultivation area, so he held The little guy with the soul orb can also summon his other souls to reshape his body.

Luo Xiaobai left and took the spirit boat to Jianfeng in the immortal cultivation area.

Mo Ming watched the little guy disappear, turned around and prepared to go back to retreat.

"Are you willing to let him go?" Mo Luo didn't know when he appeared.

Mo Ming smiled faintly, "Of course I can't bear to part with you, but in order to get together better, separation is inevitable."

Mo Luo couldn't help but ponder, what about him and Huangfu Yuan?

Besides, after leaving, Luo Xiaobai wanted to go to the World of Warcraft Planet to wander around. A circle, but when he thought of what he had promised Mo Ming, he drove the spirit boat to the immortal cultivation area honestly.

Returning to the immortal cultivation area, Luo Xiaobai did not have a strong sense of belonging, but was absent-minded. " Damn

, I almost went in the wrong direction! "Sitting on the spirit boat, Luo Xiaobai found that the direction was a little off, and he almost turned to the side of the Xuantian Sect. Fortunately,

he corrected it in time, even so, it would take a few more days to walk.

Jianfeng is located in the Immortal Sect . To the north of the cultivation area, there are three planets here, all of which are the territory of sword cultivators.

When Luo Xiaobai arrived here, he reported Huangfu Yuan's name, hoping it would be useful and not invite a beating.

"You are here. Are you looking for Senior Brother Huangfu? The news came too quickly, please come in quickly! "A disciple of Jianfeng invited Luo Xiaobai in.

Some monks like Luo Xiaobai were confused, "What's the news? "

Of course it's the news about Senior Brother Huangfu's marriage. Aren't you here to attend the ceremony?" "Jianfeng disciple asked curiously.

Luo Xiaobai shook his head honestly, "Huangfuyuan and I are friends, and I also want to join Jianfeng. "

Ah, look, this is a big deal. I'll take you to Senior Brother Huangfu first and let him help you make arrangements."

"The Jianfeng disciples were very enthusiastic.

Luo Xiaobai followed him to the place where Huangfu Yuan lived. It was a square courtyard with no

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