Chapter 456 Domain

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Since it was said to be an internal matter, Mo Ming and Chu Yu naturally couldn't interfere anymore.

"Okay, you have some courage!" Hei Luan opened the trap and kill formation. This thing can only restrict people below the level of the Immortal Emperor, and it has little effect on these people.

As the formation opened, a rough-looking man stood in the air, "Ao Ze, come and fight!"

Ao Ze flew out of the formation, revealing his true form in the process, which was a majestic golden dragon.

Black Kite also showed its true form, which was actually a bit larger than Ao Ze's true form.

"Black dragons are famous for their strength, and their defense power is more than twice that of other dragon clans." Ao Jin said from the side. It's a

pity that Luo Xiaobai couldn't see this shocking battle, "Then who will win?" "

Of course I am the eldest brother, my eldest brother If you can seal him once, you can seal him a second time." Ao Jin said confidently.

"That's not necessarily true." Mo Ming discovered that Black Kite actually had the power to devour. As the battle unfolded, Ao Ze's energy continued to be consumed, but Black Kite could swallow the power of all things for his use.

"How is this possible!" Ao Jin also discovered this.

"It should be an ability that has been stimulated recently, so I am not very skilled in using it yet." Chu Yu also saw the clue.

Even so, it would be fatal to Ao Ze.

"What should I do?" Ao Jin was worried.

Chu Yu frowned slightly, "Ao Ze's life and death is related to the harmony of the entire cultivation world. We can't just stand by and watch." Luo Xiaobai thought for a while, "I have a way, but I need someone to help me." "What


? "Seeing that his elder brother was getting more and more difficult, Ao Jin scratched his head and ears.

"Mo Ming also has the power of devouring, and he can use it freely. Let him use his cultivation to drain away the spiritual power here. At the same time, he will give Ao Ze a ninth-level Yuanhui Dan to bring his cultivation to its peak." Luo Xiaobai said.

Mo Ming said, "No problem."

"Where can I steal the ninth-level Yuan Yuan Pill?" Ao Jin looked confused.

Situ Nian on the side pulled him, "Since Xiaobai said that, it means he has it in his hand." "

Hey, Situ still understands me, but you need to figure out how to give Ao Ze this elixir. "Luo Xiaobai took out a bottle of pills.

Ao Jin thought for a while, "I'll do it!"

He was also a dragon, so it was not difficult to enter the battle between these two people.

"Be careful." Situ Nian said worriedly.

"Don't worry, you won't die!" After Ao Jin finished speaking, he transformed into his true body and crashed directly into the black dragon.

"Looking for death!" Hei Yuan snorted coldly, but with the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor, he still tried to break through his

huge defense. There was a crashing sound, and Ao Ze was about to pick up Ao Jin, but there was a bottle of pills in his hand. When he thought about Ao Jin's reckless behavior this time, he knew his purpose.

After taking the elixir, Ao Ze felt that his whole body was full of energy, as if everything he had lost came back.

Ao Jin's collision made him dizzy, and then he was swung by Black Kite's dragon tail, causing him to vomit blood and pass out.

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