Chapter 47 Robbery Pirates

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When the pirate leader heard this, his expression became hesitant. Forget about the property, but there are some things that must not be lost.

"Just give me a quick word. If it doesn't work, wait until we finish taking care of you before we get on the boat to take advantage of you." Luo Xiaobai showed an impatient and ferocious look.

Seeing this, the pirate leader asked the crew to get out of the way and allowed these people to board the ship and steal their property.

"Brother Chu, please keep an eye on these people. I'll go up and take a look." Luo Xiaobai said to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu nodded, "Don't worry, leave this place to me."

For Chu Yu, Luo Xiaobai had 100% trust and took six crew members on board the pirate ship.

Arriving on the pirate ship, Luo Xiaobai used his clairvoyance powers and found the little boy trapped in the warehouse.

However, Luo Xiaobai did not show it. Instead, he let the crew gather around while he and Mo Ming browsed here leisurely.

The pirate leader looked at these people warily, but he was already being controlled. He hoped that these people would leave after collecting their belongings.

"Down below." Luo Xiaobai pointed to the location of the cruise ship warehouse.

It stands to reason that the warehouses are filled with daily necessities, and valuables would not be placed there at all.

When Luo Xiaobai and Mo Ming went down, they found that there was a person guarding the door of the warehouse.

This person must have received the order, and did not draw his gun immediately, but advised them to go elsewhere, "It's full of caught seafood, bloody, you better not look at it." Luo Xiaobai put on a

show With an expression of disbelief, "I guess there must be something valuable in here. No one is guarding the door of the room where I live, but I put someone at the door of the warehouse."

"I think so too." Mo Ming cooperated with the little guy.

The man at the door was speechless, but he had no intention of leaving.

"Get out of the way." Luo Xiaobai took out his pistol, as if he would draw it if he disagreed, but the gatekeeper still had no intention of leaving.

"Has a temper." Luo Xiaobai suddenly smiled.

Just when the gatekeeper thought that the other party was going to let him go and leave, his head suddenly hurt, and he fell into a coma before he even had time to send out a signal.

Luo Xiaobai kicked the man, then pushed open the warehouse door and walked in.

As soon as I entered, I was hit by a fishy smell.

Luo Xiaobai covered his nose and looked at the environment inside. There were piles of salvaged fish everywhere.



Mo Ming walked over, moved the boxes filled with sea fish, and found a four-year-old boy in a small suit behind them.

The little boy is from the United States. He has short blond hair and fair skin. He looks like a scolding young man, even though he is tied up in a pile of fish.

"Woooooo!" The little boy had tape on his mouth and begged the two for help with his eyes.

Luo Xiaobai walked over, tore off the tape on the little boy's mouth, and said kindly: "Kid, what's your name, and why are you here?" The little boy exhaled and blurted out in fluent American English, "My name

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