Chapter 16 Sky-high Remuneration

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Mo Ming drove a rented car to the castle where the old man was.

The ring block here is very good, and the single-family castle gives people a feeling of isolation.

Even Mo Ming rarely sees such castle-shaped buildings in the United States.

Because they had said hello in advance, Mo Ming and Luo Xiaobai reported their names and drove in smoothly.

After getting off the car, the two came to the gate. The person who received them was the middle-aged man that day.

"You two, please come in." The middle-aged man politely led the two people in, but the look in his eyes at Luo Xiaobai became strange.

Luo Xiaobai was a little confused, but walked in anyway.

There seemed to be a family meeting going on inside. The old man who almost choked was sitting in the main seat in the hall, and below him were nearly ten men and women.

"Dr. Luo is here, please sit down." The old man stood up to greet him.

Seeing this, the others stood up one after another, making Luo Xiaobai very uncomfortable.

"Did I come at the wrong time?" Luo Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

The old man smiled kindly, "No, you came at the right time. We were talking about you."

"Speaking of me?" Luo Xiaobai was stunned for a moment. He didn't even know the old man's name now. What did he do?

"Let me tell you." The middle-aged man who brought Luo Xiaobai in said, "It's like this. My eldest brother has a son, an old man. He is four years old this year. However, he suffers from a strange disease and has been looking for a lot of trouble. The doctor didn't cure him either.

My father suddenly thought of you and said that it was no coincidence that you saved him, it was God's arrangement, and maybe you could save my little nephew." The corner of Luo Xiaobai's mouth twitched, is this okay?

Is it God’s arrangement?

"Ahem, let me see the patient first. If there is nothing I can do, I won't force it." Seeing these people's doubts about him, Luo Xiaobai did not make any guarantee.

It seemed that apart from the old man in front of him, even this middle-aged man who had met him once could not trust him.

Luo Xiaobai raised his hand and touched his little face. Compared with the immature face in his dream, he looked much more mature now. Perhaps, he could consider growing a beard like Xiang Yu.

A young woman dressed responsibly came to Luo Xiaobai and invited her upstairs very politely. No matter what, this was an opportunity.

In addition to the young woman, the old man and his eldest son also followed upstairs.

As soon as Luo Xiaobai and Mo Ming went up, there were discussions below, all asking the middle-aged man about his identity.

It seems that no matter what family you are in, there are many people who gossip.

Arriving at the children's room upstairs, Luo Xiaobai and others walked in.

Inside, a four-year-old boy was stacking blocks and showed no signs of illness.

But when the little boy heard the noise and turned his face, Luo Xiaobai was obviously shocked.

The child's face turned red, as if he had been punched twice after drinking.

The skin on the child's arms is fairer, in sharp contrast to the skin color on the face.

"Has he always been like this? Are there any other symptoms?" Luo Xiaobai came to the child, squatted down to check his complexion and said to the side, "

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