Chapter 28 Conditions for Forgiveness

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Mo Ming searched like this for the whole night without even drinking a sip of water.

After dawn, he remembered that Luo Xiaobai was going to the military compound today to perform surgery on Yang Shen.

He immediately drove to the Yang family in the military compound. After questioning, he learned that Luo Xiaobai had indeed arrived.

Through the glass window, Mo Ming saw Luo Xiaobai who was operating on Yang Shen.

Mr. Yang glanced at Mo Ming and wondered why the two of them were not together today, and Mo Ming looked very haggard. "Are you having a conflict?" Mr. Yang has been through this after all.

Mo Ming nodded with a dark face, "I'll take action."

"This is your fault. Xiaobai is a good boy. If you can't cherish him, you should separate as soon as possible." Mr. Yang said with dissatisfaction in his tone.

Mo Ming then thought that Mr. Yang was planning to adopt the little guy as his godson!

Not long after, the operation was over.

Luo Xiaobai came out with a pale face, "The operation was successful. If you take good care of yourself, you will be able to fully recover."

Mr. Yang almost cried with joy, "Xiao Bai, I knew you could cure Xiao Shen, my good son."

Luo Xiaobai He smiled wanly and said, "It's necessary. I'm going back to rest first. I'll see Brother Shen again in a few days." "

Not resting here?" Mr. Yang was slightly stunned. He was so exhausted, why did he leave?

Luo Xiaobai scratched his head and said, "Acknowledge the bed."

"Okay, I'll have someone cook boiled fish for you next time you come back." Mr. Yang already knew Luo Xiaobai's virtuous behavior. Luo Xiaobai grinned, "Okay, I'll definitely come back hungry."

"Look at your potential." Mr. Yang said with a smile.

Luo Xiaobai said goodbye and left, followed closely by Mo Ming.

Luo Xiaobai ignored him.

"Where did you go last night?" Mo Ming followed closely.

Luo Xiaobai looked back at Mo Ming and said provocatively, "Brother Chu's place."

"Chu Yu?" Mo Ming's breathing stopped.

Luo Xiaobai raised his lips and smiled, "Yes, are you satisfied?"

"Xiaobai, it was my fault yesterday. Is your injury better? Come home with me." Mo Ming took the little guy's hand. Luo Xiaobai just shook him off, "Who do you think I am? I can be beaten and scolded at will, but I am stupid enough to be with you?"

"Xiaobai, don't be like this. You can also beat me." Mo Ming took a few steps to catch up.

Luo Xiaobai came to the place where he parked his car, and Mo Ming found that the car was not his Audi, but an unfamiliar urban off-road vehicle. He didn't bother to drive his own car, so Mo Ming sat directly in the passenger seat.

"Get off the car!" Luo Xiaobai looked at Mo Ming and frowned.

"Xiao Bai, come home with me." After yesterday's night of searching, Mo Ming was really scared.

Luo Xiaobai saw that Mo Ming had no intention of getting out of the car, so he drove away directly.

After turning a corner, Luo Xiaobai drove the car onto the highway, and then suddenly parked the car in the emergency lane, "You want me to forgive you?" "Yes, as long as you can forgive me, I can do whatever you want.

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