Chapter 428 Random missions cause chaos

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"Smelly bitch, don't be so shameless and don't know what kind of thing you are. You are like this. If I catch you on the street, you may not be as greedy as you!" Tian Jin said, thinking in his heart Zhi Xiaoqian stayed with him just to accumulate materials.

Xiaoqian was beaten in a daze. She had always been held in the palm of a man's hand, and this was the first time she was beaten.

"You, I will fight with you!" Xiaoqian went crazy and grabbed Tian Jin's face.

Not far away, Luo Xiaobai shook his head and said, "It's so lively!"

Seeing Tian Jin knocking Xiaoqian to the ground and stepping on Xiaoqian's face, A Fei suddenly ran over and said,

"Hey!" Luo Xiao Bai Yi didn't take care of it, so A Fei ran over there.

No matter what era it is, there is always a shortage of people watching the excitement, and a circle quickly formed over there.

Considering that A Fei had already passed, Luo Xiaobai pulled Mo Ming over. As for Mo Qiyun, who was discussing the history of cocktails with Ka Qi at this time, he might not have noticed. After A Fei passed by, he immediately pushed Tian Jin aside

. He went to the side and said angrily: "She is a woman after all, you are going too far!"

Xiaoqian cried so hard when she saw Ah Fei.

In the past, A Fei would definitely have softened his heart. After all, this was the woman he had liked before.

But after knowing the adjective "green tea bitch", it's hard to sympathize with Xiaoqian.

"A Fei, I was wrong. It was Tian Jin who seduced me first, otherwise I would not have broken up with you."

Xiaoqian hugged A Fei's thigh and said, now she can only use this to save her image.

Tian Jin looked at this scene with disdain, "It's just a bitch. If you like it, just take it." With this young model beside him, he really doesn't like Xiaoqian now.

Ah Fei pushed Xiao Qian away and took two steps back, "We have broken up. Please pay attention to your words and deeds." The

young model who was following Tian Jin laughed out loud, "Haha, it's a pity that we found a new home so quickly." I don't like you. "

The onlookers also pointed at Xiaoqian.

There is no shortage of sharp-eyed people here. Although Ah Fei came out to save the beauty as a hero, he had no intention of taking over the beauty.

After all, a good horse will never turn back, let alone someone else's broken shoes.

"Stop slandering me. If Tian Jin hadn't shamelessly pursued me, I wouldn't have broken up with Ah Fei! "Xiaoqian is convinced of Ah Fei at this time. Ah Fei is the most soft-hearted, not to mention that he seems to be prosperous now, so there is no disadvantage in getting back together with him. After all, Tian Jin has dated Xiaoqian, and he can tell what she is thinking at a glance. "Tsk


tsk , how do I remember, it was you who took the initiative to crawl into my bed, and even said pitifully that you couldn't stand Ah Fei, and if it wasn't for the sake of getting close to me, you would never date Ah Fei! "Tian Jin told what Xiaoqian did back then. Of course, the reason why he was with Xiaoqian was because he coveted her face. A Fei had seen it with his own eyes and knew

Xiaoqian's face.

"Xiaoqian , we are over, you go, I think Tian Jin will not look for you in the future, you can find other men. "A Fei said to Xiao Qian.

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