Chapter 35 Kidnapping

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Fortunately, Luo Xiaobai was good at driving and did not miss the meeting time.

Professor Miao was anxious to go in for the meeting. Luo Xiaobai stood at the door and called Mo Ming back. He had called Mo Ming before in the car, otherwise there would not have been so many security guards in Mingdu Jewelry Group.

"Check the license plate for me. I'm sure the other party is coming for Professor Miao." Luo Xiaobai said to Mo Ming. This kind of thing should be troubled by the big bird monster!

Mo Ming agreed, this kind of thing was just a matter of favor to him.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Xiaobai entered the venue.

At this time, the seminar had begun. He sat down next to Professor Miao and listened to the host's speech. What he was thinking about was the identity of the person who followed Professor Miao. Luo Xiaobai could definitely trust the teacher's character and would not Offending people for no reason, let alone such a disaster.

The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated. Seeing Professor Miao speaking on the stage, Luo Xiaobai went out to answer it.

The call was from Mo Ming. The identity of the owner of the white car had been found out, but the other party was from Lanzhou and she was a woman


"So, the car following us is a fake car?" Luo Xiaobai frowned.

"It should be that at the same time, the car in Lanzhou was caught speeding." Mo Ming said, the female driver speeded on the same road almost every day.

Luo Xiaobai said that he knew it. It seemed that the other party was following him premeditatedly, otherwise he would not have chosen the deck car.

"Xiao Bai, remember to be careful. According to the system, the other party should take action within these four days." Mo Ming was a little worried.

"Don't worry, I took note of it." After hanging up the phone, Luo Xiaobai stood at the door for a while before going in.

Until the end of the seminar, Professor Miao was still focused on the discussion of medical skills.

"Xiao Bai, have you seen the second consultation patient? That is a typical geriatric syndrome." Professor Miao said, if you follow the Western medicine method, you can only lie in the hospital every day and get acupuncture, but Chinese medicine is different. Medication is required but can be adjusted at home.

In comparison, Western medicine has many disadvantages, but Chinese medicine is more effective.

Luo Xiaobai agrees with Professor Miao's theory. He does not deny Western medicine, but symptomatic treatment is what every doctor should do.

"Professor Miao, think about it, have you offended anyone recently?" Luo Xiaobai was still more concerned about Professor Miao's safety.

Professor Miao thought about this question seriously, and then denied it with certainty, "No."

Luo Xiaobai pondered, that person had a strong purpose, and if he was well-intentioned, he would not hide his head or show his tail.

"Professor Miao, let me stay with you these days." Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow is the weekend, so Luo Xiaobai is naturally worried about Professor Miao

traveling alone.

Professor Miao smiled faintly, "Okay, maybe the other party just found the wrong person."

"I hope." Luo Xiaobai sighed and followed him out of the house. How could he find the wrong person.

After sending Professor Miao home, Luo Xiaobai reminded him not to go out at night.

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