Chapter 25: Removing Insects

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As soon as I opened the door, I could smell a stench even though I was wearing a mask.

A nurse was taking care of He Dongxiang inside, and immediately stepped aside after seeing the three people.

Luo Xiaobai looked at He Dongxiang on the bed, and finally knew why the hospital didn't accept him. If it did, the entire hospital would be like a pig farm.

"Is the body decaying?" Luo Xiaobai walked towards He Dongxiang.

He Dongbo and Mo Ming followed, although they were extremely reluctant to get close.

"Yes, there are puss in many places." He Dongbo scratched his numb scalp.

Luo Xiaobai lifted up the white thin quilt covering He Dongxiang's body, revealing a naked human body inside.

Although many places were covered with gauze, the pus and blood inside could not be stopped because the wounds could not heal.

"You're not dead?" Luo Xiaobai looked at He Dongxiang's slightly rising chest.

The He family didn't know this either. If it had been anyone else, they would have died a long time ago.

Luo Xiaobai thought about the poison of the natal poison. Maybe Shui Qianqian wanted He Dongxiang to suffer all the punishment before dying.

"First let people take apart these pieces of gauze, and then prepare the medicinal bath." Luo Xiaobai said to He Dongbo. He could hardly stand the smell and wanted to wash the person first.

With that said, Luo Xiaobai began to write down the Chinese herbal medicines that needed to be prepared for the medicated bath.

He Dongbo immediately arranged for people to prepare.

The nurse covered He Dongxiang with a quilt to prevent the patient from developing other symptoms after catching a cold.

After the three of them went out, Luo Xiaobai took off his mask.

The medicinal bath takes time to prepare, but Luo Xiaobai cannot leave yet, lest He Dongxiang dies as soon as he leaves, and the whole trip will be in vain.

The He family moved quickly, and soon the security guard bought the medicine according to Luo Xiaobai's instructions.

Luo Xiaobai arranged for one person to boil water to prepare the medicine, then put the water in the bathroom and poured the medicine into it.

With the help of a doctor and a nurse, He Dongxiang soaked in the bathtub for half an hour, then lay down on a brand new bed with wounds all over his body.

Although it still smelled bad when I came in this time, it was more or less bearable after wearing a mask.

Luo Xiaobai then began to diagnose the other party's pulse. It seemed that the medicinal bath had a certain effect, and some small wounds no longer oozed fluid. "Did he open these wounds on his own?" Luo Xiaobai carefully inspected the wounds on He Dongxiang's body, and used his gloved hands to open the flesh inside.

He Dongbo was in pain just looking at it, but fortunately the third brother had passed out, "Yes, according to the third sister-in-law, they were sleeping that day - the brother suddenly roared, then his body began to crack, and finally he spit out a mouthful of black blood. I just passed out."

Luo Xiaobai blinked, thinking that Shui Qianqian's natal Gu should be a kind of Gu insect such as the one-horned fairy, and these traumas must have been caused by the natal Gu in the host's body before death.

Then, as the life poison died, the poison spread to every part of He Dongxiang's body, so the wound could not heal, and pus and blood with a foul smell leaked out.

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