Chapter 17 Bad News

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"Haha, it seems you make money faster than me." Mo Ming joked.

Luo Xiaobai was so excited, "Let's go to the bank to withdraw cash. What if we can't use it when we get it back to China!"

"Don't worry, this is a Swiss bank cashier's check, and it can be cashed at Hua Xia Bank." Mo Ming said with a smile.

Luo Xiaobai carefully put away the check. He couldn't lose the check even if he lost it.

Along the way, he returned to the hotel in fear, and then headed to the airport in fear. Sitting on the plane, Luo Xiaobai didn't even dare to sleep for fear that someone would steal his check.

It wasn't until he returned to China and transferred the 100 million funds to his Hua Xia Bank account that his heart returned to his stomach.

After making so much money, Luo Xiaobai inevitably wanted to show off that even without clairvoyance powers, he could still live the life he wanted. Calling

Xin Xiu's cell phone, Luo Xiaobai told him about this trip to Hawaii. one time.

"---100 million?" Xin Xiu couldn't believe her ears.

Luo Xiaobai chuckled and said, "So Mom, you must not save money for your son. Spend it as hard as you can. If it's not enough, just tell me." On the

other side, Xin Xiu looked distracted after hanging up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Luo Zhicai came out of the bathroom and saw his wife looking like she was in a state of confusion.

"You know our son passed the medical license exam and became a Chinese medicine practitioner." Xin Xiu said blankly.

Luo Zhi nodded, "This happened several months ago, why are you mentioning it?" "

Xiaobai and Mo Ming traveled to Hawaii to treat a foreign child, and the family gave him 100 million in medical fees. "Xin Xiu couldn't believe it.

"Chinese coins?" Luo Zhi was surprised.

"Nonsense, what do you think it is?" Xin Xiu glared at her husband, isn't the Huaxia coin enough?

Luo Zhi scratched his head, "I thought it was rubles!" He was still too frightened to see his wife. Although he was also surprised, "Maybe that family is stupid and has too much money. Anyway, they have all the money. What are you worried about?

" Don't you think Xiaobai has changed a lot since losing weight?" Xin Xiu frowned slightly.

Luo Zhi thought for a while, "It's okay, no matter how big the change is, I still like men."

Xin Xiu was also helpless about this. It stands to reason that her son is now promising, and she should be very happy, but Xiaobai's grandson, she I can't hold it at all.

"No, I have to call Xiaobing." Xin Xiu picked up the phone.

"Why are you calling him? He should be at work at this time, right?" Luo Zhi didn't know what happened to his wife today. Xiaobai made money, so there was no need to notify Xiaobing, right?

The call was quickly connected, and Xin Xiu asked Luo Xiaobing when she planned to have a child.

Luo Zhi twitched the corner of his mouth, then sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control, and started watching TV.

Luo Xiaobing also didn't expect that when his mother and father went out for a trip, the first thing they did when they came back was to ask him when he would have a child. "Mom, it's not that we don't want children. You see, Qu Yue and I are both still young, and she is a corporate executive. Being pregnant now will have an impact on her career." Luo Xiaobing and Qu Yue studied the matter of children and decided Ask for it again in a few years.

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