Chapter 49 Weird Monkey

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"Do you want to wait for them to eat together?" Zhou Gang asked.

Luo Xiaobai waved his hand, "No, just leave two portions for them. Let's eat first."

Zhou Tie took out the sterilized bowls and chopsticks, left breakfast for Chu Yu and Xiang Yu, and started to eat happily.

Another hour passed, and Luo Xiaobai couldn't help but feel worried. Among the six of them, only Mo Ming had a satellite phone. It would be difficult to find these two if they were lost.

Chu Yu, who went to look for Xiang Yu, found no trace of Xiang Yu nearby. He could only look for it through faint traces on the ground, but he didn't know whether these traces were left by Xiang Yu or some wild beast.

I don’t know how long I walked before Chu Yu heard the sound of running water.

Thinking that Xiang Yu went out with his pants, he probably went to find a water source to clean his pants.

Thinking about this, Chu Yu quickened his pace.

About five minutes later, he came to a creek.

Where there is water in the mountains and forests, it means that there will be wild animals.

Chu Yu searched around and found the half-washed trousers, but Xiang Yu was nowhere to be seen.

"Xiang Yu!" Chu Yu shouted.

There was no response except the chirping of birds.

Chu Yu picked up the wet pants and started looking for people along the stream.

At this moment, he seemed to hear a whimpering sound.

Although the sound is extremely small, it is real.

Chu Yu's ears twitched, pretending not to notice anything, and continued walking forward.

But at the next moment, his figure flashed and appeared directly at the place where the sound came from.

"This!" Chu Yu looked at the scene in front of him and didn't know how to react for a while.

Xiang Yu was kidnapped by several monkeys. One of the monkeys held Xiang Yu's head and covered his mouth tightly!

"Uh huh!" Xiang Yu couldn't even move.

Chu Yu took out the long sword on his back and pointed it at the monkeys.

These monkeys seemed to feel that they were being provoked, so they separated some to deal with Chu Yu.

Chu Yu did not draw his sword, but used the hilt to knock down the monkeys and successfully rescued Xiang Yu.

"What's going on? Why were you kidnapped by a monkey?" Chu Yu asked, why did this happen to Xiang Yu? Xiang Yu looked embarrassed when he heard this, especially when he saw the pants in Chu Yu's hand.

"I don't know. I was washing my pants by the stream, and these monkeys suddenly appeared. Of course I ran away. Who knew that these monkeys could run faster than me, but I was caught by them within fifty meters." Yu explained the situation.

Chu Yu frowned slightly, "It stands to reason that it shouldn't be. These monkeys will not attack humans for no reason." "

When I was washing my pants, there seemed to be a female monkey drinking water downstream." Xiang Yu thought of something else.

Chu Yu lowered his head and glanced at the pants he was carrying, and his face turned red when he thought of the things that had been stained on them. "Go back first, Xiaobai and the others should be anxious." "Ah, okay!" Xiang Yu patted himself

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