Chapter 446: Set up

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Mo Qiyun brought Feng Liu, the drunk cat, to his temporary residence. After setting up a barrier nearby, he helped him directly to the bedroom.

Feng Liu was already drunk, and the cold wind blew all the way, and now he couldn't stand up straight.

"Uncle Feng, why is your face so red? Is it hot?" Mo Qiyun touched Feng Liu's cheek with his backhand.

Feng Liu turned away his head awkwardly, "Maybe, let's continue drinking." "

Let me help you take off your clothes first before drinking!" Mo Qiyun started to move.

Feng Liu shook his drunken head, feeling that something was wrong. He quickly realized, "Why am I the only one taking off my clothes, and you have to take off too!" Mo Qiyun curled her lips and smiled, "Okay." The two of them took off their


. Behind the clothes, Mo Qiyun took out two jars of wine, "This is my master's treasure. It is only available in the demon cultivator area." Hearing this, Feng Liu's eyes lit up, "Then

I have to taste it."

Mo Qiyun was heartbroken. Think about it, the wine in the demon cultivation area is mainly fruit wine and spirits, and this is the spirit that can make the dragon clan drunk.

After Feng Liu had just one drink, he passed out from drunkenness.

Mo Qiyun didn't have the habit of taking advantage of others' danger, and she didn't want to let him go so easily, so she came up with a way.

After he took off each other's clothes, he then lay on the big bed and cut his finger again, causing some blood to rub on the sheets.

If he is too hard, he will be soft. When the time comes, he will not be afraid that Feng Liu will not admit his fault.

After treating the wound with the external wound medicine prepared by his father, and making sure that no traces were visible, Mo Qiyun smiled successfully, hugged Feng Liuguang's body and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Feng Liu woke up in a daze.

"I'm going to drink you to death!" As soon as Feng Liu got up, he realized something was wrong. He was not wearing any clothes at all!

As a result, when I looked back, I found Mo Qiyun who was also naked.

Because he was a cultivator, any smell of blood in the room could not be hidden from his nose.

Feng Liu subconsciously looked towards the bed.

Because he was sure that he was not injured, the injured person could only be Mo Qiyun.

Considering the location of the blood stains, Feng Liu had a bad premonition in his heart. Could it be that he took advantage of the alcohol to get in on this naughty boy last night?

He didn't have the surprise of counterattack, but felt that he couldn't get rid of the opponent more and more.

In order to confirm his guess, Feng Liu decided to play it safe and went to look at Mo Qiyun's wounds.

As a result, as soon as he met Mo Qiyun, the other party opened his eyes.

"Uncle Feng, are you awake?" Mo Qiyun rubbed his eyes and woke up, with an innocent look on his face, not to mention how cute he was.

"Ah, um!" Feng Liu was startled and stunned.

Just as Mo Qiyun was about to stand up, a painful expression appeared on his face.

"Um, are you okay?" Feng Liu asked awkwardly.

Mo Qiyun squeezed out a forced smile and said, "It's okay."

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