Chapter 22 Old Friends

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For the sake of his kidneys, Mo Ming still took the magical elixir handed over by the little guy, thinking that maybe the voodoo insects wouldn't be able to stand the taste and would leave his body when he had diarrhea.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaobai didn't know what Mo Ming was thinking, otherwise he would have let the Gu insect eat one of his kidneys.

The next day, the two drove to Miao Xinjiang.

The driving distance from the Imperial Capital to Southern Xinjiang was not that close. Because the Gu insects were under control, the two of them were not too anxious.

It took two days to reach the border of Miao territory. It was at this time that Mo Ming received a call, and the expression on his face became particularly strange


Luo Xiaobai was eating potato chips when he saw Mo Ming hang up the phone and asked, "What happened? Why did Shui Qianqian come up again?"

"Something happened to Shui Qianqian." Mo Ming's tone was strange.

Luo Xiaobai took a sip of Coke and said, "Something happened, what happened?" Could it be that he was having sex with He Dongxiang's wife?

"Car accident." Mo Ming smiled sarcastically, and he knew whose handiwork it was without even thinking about it.

"Then, how are you?" Luo Xiaobai didn't expect that He Dongxiang would be so cruel. After all, Shui Qianqian was also his old friend .

"Luckily, we avoided it." Mo Ming frowned slightly, "However, Shui Qianqian died at home that night." Luo Xiaobai was stunned, "What, sudden death?"

"Yes, it's strange, right? Even the forensic doctor didn't know the reason, but the adults and children are gone." Mo Ming said, "Now the chairman of Qiandori Group has gone crazy, and he killed He Dongxiang without caring about it, leaving the He family in dire straits.

Come to think of it, He Dongxiang didn't have the means to kill people, otherwise the Mo family would have ceased to exist.

But the cause of Shui Qianqian's death has become a mystery. There are now many outside speculations, all of which are detrimental to the He family. Even the family of He Dongxiang's daughter-in-law has been affected.

Some people even suspected the Mo family, but because Mo Ming and Luo Xiaobai left the imperial capital the day before, this basin of dirty water could not be poured on them at all.

"I thought of a possibility." Luo Xiaobai touched his chin.

"Tell me about it." Mo Ming asked casually while looking at the navigation map, wondering what this little guy's opinion was. Luo Xiaobai organized his words, "It stands to reason that the insects in your body should be from Shui Qianqian. Since she understands the art of voodoo, there is a high probability that there will be natal Gu in her body."

"You mean, Shui Qianqian also gives He Dongxiang poisoned?" Mo Ming guessed.

"That's right, I guess Shui Qianqian's voodoo skills are not very high, so after the car accident, she will definitely go to extremes. The only way to take revenge is to sacrifice herself and let the life voodoo die. If the life voodoo is in He Dongxiang's body, think about it, now even if He Dongxiang is not dead, he is not far away from death." Luo Xiaobai guessed that

of course this was just his conjecture and could not be taken seriously.

Mo Ming felt that the possibility was very high. Shui Qianqian had been abroad for many years and had inevitably come into contact with people from various religions. It was probably at that time that he learned the art of Gu.

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