Chapter 40 Sending Kung Fu Technique

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That afternoon, the lawyer Mo Ming was looking for arrived.

I don’t know how he negotiated with the police. This time the police broke into the kindergarten and took away all the monitoring equipment.

Confused by this surprise attack, the principal did not dare to show his face. Now there are many people blocking the door of the kindergarten.

In addition to the children's parents, there is also a group of angry youths who might be beaten to death if they go out.

A subpoena from the court has also arrived, and this matter is obviously no longer something that can be resolved privately.

The surveillance video was not lost. Although part of it was destroyed, the remaining footage can still be used as evidence in court.

Due to sufficient evidence, all involved kindergarten teachers, childcare workers, including the principal were accused.

Considering the seriousness of the child abuse, the maximum punishment was given.

The director wanted to appeal, but was directly rejected by the higher court.

After the kindergarten teacher made a mistake, the kindergarten did not bear the consequences and denied the crime. This alone is enough for him to go to jail.

Xiao Rui and several other children also received varying amounts of compensation. Although the money was not much, they did not want to be arrogant or short-tempered. All they wanted was justice!

The kindergarten was closed down, and the families of several kindergarten teachers could not hold their heads high and moved one after another. The childcare worker who stabbed the child with a needle also had children. Because his mother was implicated, he lost his job.

Come to think of it, even if these people are released from prison, they will not be able to continue their work.

Luo Xiaobai and Mo Ming returned to the imperial capital on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. Before leaving, Xin Yong gave them local specialties.

Xin Yong's family doesn't have much money, so they can only use these things to express their feelings.

After returning to the imperial capital, Luo Xiaobai continued his work as a doctor, working from eight in the morning to four in the evening every day, and his life was quite fulfilling.

It's just that I haven't been able to get started with the martial arts book rewarded by the system.

"Still studying?" After Mo Ming returned home, he saw the little guy holding a broken book and studying vigorously. -Luo Xiaobai sighed, "Well, why can't I practice?"

"Isn't it written on the first page that people with strong physiques are required to practice? You have a small body, so forget it." Don't talk about Luo Xiaobai, Even Mo Ming himself was not sure whether he could practice.

Luo Xiaobai curled his lips, "The system is really a scam, and the rewards given cannot be used."

Mo Ming suddenly thought of something, "Just because we can't use it, doesn't mean others can't use it."

Luo Xiaobai blinked, " What do you mean?"

"In the army, every soldier is physically the strongest." Mo Ming thought of his eldest brother.

Luo Xiaobai slapped his thigh, "Yes, you said last time that eldest brother wanted to set up an independent combat camp and that every soldier should have the ability to fight independently. This technique is the most suitable." Mo Ming smiled lightly, "

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