Chapter 457 Blue and white flowers at the bottom of the lake

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After dismissing the system, Luo Xiaobai began to yell at the top of his voice, "Mo Daniao, if you don't come out, the Alchemist's Secret Realm will be closed!" Within a moment, Mo Ming appeared in front of Luo Xiaobai.

The snow and wind suddenly disappeared.

Luo Xiaobai broke free twice, and when he saw that Mo Daniao had no intention of letting go of him, he said, "The system just informed me that the Alchemist's Secret Realm has appeared."

"Where is it?" Mo Ming asked immediately, this is of great concern to Xiao Bai. Will this guy stay blind forever?

Luo Xiaobai shook his head helplessly, "He refused to say."

Mo Ming waved his hand, and Luo Xiaobai fell from the air.

I thought I would fall to the ground, but when I reached out and touched it, I found a soft bed.

It turns out that Mo Ming has closed the space field.

"Let's go and find the secret place together." Mo Ming stepped forward and helped the little guy up from the bed.

As a result, as soon as his hand touched Luo Xiaobai's body, he found that his clothes were wet!

"It was too hot just now." Luo Xiaobai made an excuse, not wanting Mo Ming to know that there was something wrong with his body just before he came.

Mo Ming was hesitant and helped the little guy change out of the clothes he couldn't wear.

About ten minutes later, the two went to say hello to Ao Jin and Situ Nian, and then took the spirit boat to search for the Alchemist's secret realm.

"The demon cultivation area is so big, where are we going to find it?" Luo Xiaobai couldn't see anything, so the so-called search for the secret realm relied entirely on his perception.

Mo Ming didn't know either, "The Demon Emperor has sent many people, and Chu Yu and Xiang Yu are also looking outside. Let's try our luck."

Luo Xiaobai nodded, it was better than being locked up in the domain and being punished.

Seeing that a day passed, Luo Xiaobai asked the system twice more, but the system refused to say a word other than telling him that the secret realm had been opened and not closed yet.

"It's okay, we'll look for it slowly." Mo Ming comforted.

At this moment, Mo Ming's communication bead sounded.

"Who is it?" Luo Xiaobai grabbed Mo Ming's arm. Don't go out to find Xiao San'er while he can't see.

"Chu Yu." Mo Ming had connected to the communication bead, and Chu Yu's voice came quickly, saying that a secret realm was found near the elixir planet in the demon cultivator area, and he didn't know if it was what Luo Xiaobai was looking for.

Mo Ming immediately drove the spirit boat to the direction of the elixir planet.

Luo Xiaobai thought to himself that it was probably there. I think the ninth-level alchemist lived there for a long time.

On the other side, Ao Jin and Situ Nian also rushed over. The two groups arrived almost at the same time.

"Is it here?" Ao Jin looked at the entrance to the secret realm. If he hadn't walked here, he wouldn't have discovered it. "

It should be." Chu Yu also made a guess based on the nearby environment.

"No matter what, you'll find out when you go in!" Seeing that Luo Xiaobai had arrived, Xiang Yu took the lead and walked in. As a result, he was

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