Chapter 448 Consultation

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This is the first time in Mo Ming's life to get bath water for a woman.

"Medicated bath, this is a medicinal bath!" Luo Xiaobai emphasized. Although he couldn't see Mo Daniao's expression, he could imagine how dark his face would be.

Chi Ying on the side couldn't help but laugh. The relationship between the two was quite interesting.

Mo Ming glared at the little guy, poured all the medicinal ingredients into the tub, and said, "I'll go out and wait for you."

Because he couldn't see it, Luo Xiaobai directly let Chi Ying strip naked.

After all, in front of a man, Chi Ying was somewhat embarrassed, so she went to change clothes behind the clothes

rack. After a while, Luo Xiaobai heard the sound of water and Chi Ying's voice, "Okay."

Luo Xiaobai walked tentatively. He walked to the tub, unfolded the deerskin needle bag, and said to Chi Ying: "Give me a hand." Chi Ying stretched out a jade arm and handed it to

Luo Xiaobai's hand. Her face was filled with heat. , still shy, anyway, the red ones are like cooked shrimps.

After grabbing Chi Ying's wrist, Luo Xiaobai closed his eyes, activated his clairvoyance power, and immediately began to inject needles. Chi Ying was a little worried at first, but as Luo Xiaobai applied the needles steadily and firmly, she gradually felt relieved. Half an hour later,

Luo Xiaobai took the needles off Chi Ying's body and said, "Soak again." You can come out in an hour."

"Yes." Chi Ying closed her eyes at this time and was adjusting her body with the mental method Luo Xiaobai taught her. Luo Xiaobai stood up, touched the wall and left.

Chi Ying quietly opened her eyes and saw Luo Xiaobai running the technique again after going out.

Mo Ming was waiting at the door. When he saw the little guy coming out, he immediately supported him and said, "Okay?" "

How can it be so fast? In the next two days, I will have to cooperate with the acupuncture every medicinal bath." Luo Xiaobai hugged Mo Ming arm.

Mo Ming's face darkened, "How long will it take for her to recover?" "

Why don't she need to be recuperated for a month, and then she can cooperate with the elixir Xue'e got." Luo Xiaobai said,

"Are you sure that little girl can gather all the ingredients? " That medicine list you prescribed?" Mo Ming didn't believe it. Luo Xiaobai was not sure, "How much can you find? If not, use other elixirs instead." The two returned to the room.

Luo Xiaobai looked very tired after working for a day.

After waiting for the little guy to wash up, Mo Ming was a little distracted. , and couldn't bear to torment him.

"Brother Big Bird. "Luo Xiaobai leaned into Mo Ming's arms.

"Be good, get some rest early. "Mo Ming kissed the little guy on the forehead.

Luo Xiaobai was somewhat disappointed. He wanted more than a simple kiss, but he also knew that Mo Ming couldn't bear to let him go to the point of exhaustion

, even if it was so simple. Covering the bed is also a kind of enjoyment.

The next day, Chi Ying's complexion improved a lot.

Although Luo Xiaobai couldn't see it, he could feel it from Chi Ying's breath.

"Sister Chi Ying, do you want to get up? Huajitang? "Luo Xiaobai extended an invitation to Chi Ying.

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