Chapter 21 Backhand

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Not long after, Mo Ming and Mo Wei came down from upstairs and saw Mo Hongyao and Luo Xiaobai talking and laughing together, they knew each other like a family.

Mo Ming smiled fondly, while Mo Wei was a little surprised. His son was young and mature, and it was rare to see him so cheerful.

"What are you talking about? Are you so happy?" Mo Ming walked to the little guy's side.

Luo Xiaobai said with a smile, "Some gossip."

Mo Ming raised his eyebrows, wondering what gossip made them so funny, but seeing that the little guy had no intention of going into details, he didn't ask any more questions. Mo Wei left the two of them at home to have dinner before letting them leave.

This meal made Luo Xiaobai frightened. He always thought that Brother Mo Wei would oppose the two of them.

"Why are you still sitting upright? Why haven't you recovered?" While driving, Mo Ming looked at Luo Xiaobai, who was sitting in the passenger seat with his back straight.

Luo Xiaobai exhaled and slumped down on his seat. "I thought the eldest brother would suddenly throw his chopsticks."

"Haha, it seems you still don't understand my eldest brother well enough." Mo Ming smiled lightly.

Luo Xiaobai blinked, "I think it's not that I don't understand him well enough, but that time has given Mo Wei some time to settle."

When Mo Ming thought of his eldest brother ten years ago, he really couldn't tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes.

After returning home, Mo Ming locked himself in the study and held a video conference.

Now that he has promised his eldest brother, Mo Ming will not continue to delay Shui Qianqian's matter.

Soon, all major newspapers and media received an email, which contained evidence of the relationship between Shui Qianqian and He Dongxiang, as well as Shui Qianqian's physical examination report. Shui Qianqian secretly took a pregnancy test before having a relationship with Mo Ming. , proving that you are four weeks pregnant.

Suddenly, the direction of the wind changed drastically.

The first person to bear the brunt is He Dongxiang's family. He Dongxiang's wife is not an easy person to get along with, and the two have already begun to divorce


However, divorce means that He Dongxiang will leave the house, and he would have to be crazy to agree.

Secondly, the Chidori Group will be affected. This kind of group that treats broken-shoe girls like treasures will definitely be affected.

The original cooperation with Africa had problems. The current situation of the Chidori Group can be said to be very bad, with news of bankruptcy repeated


Mo Ming, who was whitewashed, not only received everyone's apology, but also a group of rotten girls came forward and claimed to support Mo Ming and Luo Xiaobai being together.

Those who had been rescued by Luo Xiaobai also came to their aid.

For a time, Mo Ming became the discerning one. Even though his lover was of the same sex, he couldn't help but think that the other person was good-natured and capable, and the two of them truly loved each other.

Since age and weight are nothing, can gender prevent two people from falling in love?

Luo Xiaobai, who had been feeling aggrieved for a while, was walking with a sway.

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