Chapter 462 Going to sea

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"It's the Huang family's boat." The little girl saw the sign on the boat.

Luo Xiaobai looked at the big ship and said, "This family must be very rich."

"They are rich, but they like to commit suicide." The little girl murmured in a low voice.

Luo Xiaobai's ears twitched, and she picked up a string of pearl bracelets on the stall, "How do you sell this thing?" When the little girl saw that Luo Xiaobai was about to buy something, her eyes instantly lit up, "Ten ordinary crystals."

Luo Xiaobai directly gave her a gold crystal, and then took away the pearl bracelet, "Can you tell me about the Huang family?"

The little girl is also understanding. After carefully hiding the crystal, she said in a low voice: "The Huang family is a big family on the blue rice planet. It is said that there is a young master named Huang Gui in his family. He is extremely talented and is favored by the Huang family. Cultivate, but he has a hobby, that is, he likes to eat spiritual fish.

"Spirit fish?" Luo Xiaobai blinked. Although the spiritual energy on this planet is not bad, it is still very difficult to breed spiritual fish. The little girl nodded, "Yes, the price of spiritual fish is relatively expensive, but at least it was possible before bought, but in recent years, spiritual energy has been poor, and there are fewer and fewer spiritual fish in the sea, so the young master has begun to lose his temper.

So much so that people from the Huang family now go out to sea every now and then to look for spiritual fish, and even issue missions and offer high rewards to buy spiritual fish.

As a result, as soon as this incident came out, many fishermen who went to sea were not calm. They had been fishing for a lifetime, but they did not make much money from selling a single spiritual fish, so they began to go to sea in poverty.

The sea is not so easy to conquer, because more and more people go out to sea, and more and more accidents happen. In addition to those greedy fishermen, the Huang family also sank two ships. "

Luo Xiaobai was dumbfounded. Just because he was eating a fish, he made such a big fuss. Is the Huang family making a fuss out of a molehill?

"How old is that young master this year? "Mo Ming asked.

The little girl said, "He is six years old, but he has already reached the level of Golden Immortal. He can definitely be called a genius. " Mo Ming and Luo Xiaobai both agreed on this point.

"Could it be that eating spiritual fish caused the cultivation speed to be too fast? Luo Xiaobai guessed.

The little girl shook her head, "At first, some people thought so. There are many people on the blue rice planet who can afford to eat spiritual fish, but only Huang Gui's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds."

"Maybe it's because of some special physique" Mo Ming guessed.

Luo Xiaobai nodded, this possibility is very high.

Seeing the Huang family's passenger ship docking, a group of people came down from it, including well-dressed young men and fishermen wearing shorts.

Some people gathered around. In the past, there were not so many people on this boat before.

Luo Xiaobai took Mo Ming to join in the fun, only to learn that the fishermen on the boat were rescued from a shipwreck.

"I didn't expect that the Huang family is quite kind-hearted. "Luo Xiaobai thought that rich people are unkind.

Mo Ming said calmly, "The reputation of the Huang family is pretty good. I guess they are not evil people. "

An old man was helped down from the boat. Although this man was not well-dressed, he was very respected. "Old fisherman, did you gain anything from this trip to sea?" Someone shouted below.

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