Chapter 455: Trapping people

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Black Kite squeezed Luo Xiaobai's shoulder bones tightly with its dragon claws and flew in the air. If it weren't for the immortal emperor's cultivation to protect him, he would have been blown to pieces by the strong wind.

Because he could not see with his eyes, Luo Xiaobai could only blindly use his ears to sense his surroundings, but the effect was not good.

Hei Luan began to slow down after being carried for an unknown amount of time, and Luo Xiaobai was able to breathe.

Throwing the captured person on the ground, Hei Luan transformed into a human form and lifted it towards Luo Xiaobai, "Ao Jin, you have today too." Luo Xiaobai was unexpectedly hurt by the tip and couldn't help but groan

. Voice.

But it was this sound that made Hei Luan realize something was wrong.

Although the defense of the golden dragon is not as good as that of the black dragon, it is definitely not so useless.

When he sensed it again, Luo Xiaobai no longer had the aura of the dragon on his body.

"Aren't you Ao Jin?" Hei Luan waved his hand, and all the notes on Luo Xiaobai's face disappeared.

Luo Xiaobai stood up while holding on to the ground, thinking that Lu Guo's notes were still of some use, "I never said I was Ao Jin." "Then why were you running before?" Hei Luan said angrily,

this He was not Ao Jin at all. Damn it, he was deceived!

"Some bad guys are coming, why don't I run away!" Luo Xiaobai thought to himself, this black dragon is really violent.

Hei Yuan grabbed Luo Xiaobai's collar and found that his eyes were out of focus, so he raised his other hand and waved it in front of his eyes, "Blind man?" "What's wrong with the blind man!" Luo Xiaobai slapped his paw away

. , adjusting his collar.

"This is the first time I have seen a blind man at the level of an Immortal Emperor." Hei Yuan looked at Luo Xiaobai, wondering who this person was and why he was where Ao Jin lived.

Because Luo Xiaobai couldn't see, he could only identify his position by listening to the voice, and walked up to Hei Yuan, "Now I'll let you know something." "You'd better not walk around. This is a cliff. If you fall, even I will fall.

" I can't save you." Hei Yuan reminded that in order not to be found by Ao Ze, he came to the gap between the three areas. There was turbulent space below. Once he fell in, he would be doomed.

Luo Xiaobai was so frightened that he stood there, it was really inconvenient to see.

While these two people were talking, the army from the demon cultivator area came to search, but they could not enter here.

"It seems that your status is not low, it would be good to keep you as a hostage." Black Kite directly blocked Luo Xiaobai's cultivation. Being caught off

guard, Luo Xiaobai became a lamb to be slaughtered.

"We are both at the Immortal Emperor level, how did you do it?" Since they couldn't do it anyway, Luo Xiaobai simply started chatting with Hei Yuan.

"How can you humans compare with the powerful dragon clan?" Black Kite said proudly.

"But I heard that you are not a pure dragon." Luo Xiaobai whispered.

Hei Yuan seemed to be touched, "What do you mean, you said I'm a bastard!"

Luo Xiaobai thought, it was Hei Yuan who said so.

"No." Luo Xiaobai shook his head. Those who understand current affairs are heroes.

"Hmph, it's best not to. Although my mother is not a dragon, she is still a king among the birds

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