Chapter 465 Kidnapping

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There seemed to be some kind of creature sleeping under Yutai Island, because bait was thrown frequently from above, so that it woke this guy up.

Those dark eyes looked at Luo Xiaobai with emotion.

Luo Xiaobai immediately withdrew his clairvoyance power and said loudly: "Stop fishing, go quickly! Something below has awakened!" This was the

first day on Tianshang Island. Although the harvest was good, except for Luo Xiaobai and Huang Ershu, the others were They didn't catch a single spiritual fish, how could they be so resigned.

Uncle Huang still had five baits in his hand, and he didn't want to retreat so quickly. "Could it be that you saw it wrong?"


"Just do it!" "Luo Xiaobai felt that he was seeking death enough, but he didn't expect that these people were not even afraid of death. Even he was very taboo about the thing below. It must be a magical beast or fairy beast that has been enlightened. As Uncle Huang threw the pole

again , the shaking of the island became more obvious.

This time, everyone had a sense of crisis.

"Is Yutai Island going to sink to the bottom of the sea in advance? "The old fisherman began to feel uneasy.

Uncle Huang found that after throwing the pole this time, the spirit fish did not take the bait immediately. It seemed that something must have happened underwater. Although the spirit fish had no intention of hooking, the powerful

creatures under the island were greedy. Smelling

the smell of universal fishing bait, the huge body began to move.

"No, the island is sinking!" "Uncle Huang ordered everyone to get on the boat immediately to avoid danger.

Everyone ignored fishing and flew back to the passenger ship one by one. The fisherman had already begun to order the captain to prepare for departure. As a result, at this time,

Uncle Huang was not willing to abandon the omnipotent star. The moment the fishing rod was put away, the island completely sank, and at the same time, there was a sea creature that looked like a dragon protruding out of the water. Luo

Xiaobai and Mo Ming stood on the board, because the sudden appearance of the mosquito dragon splashed water all over them.

"Bah. Phew, so salty! "Luo Xiaobai spit out several mouthfuls of seawater.

Mo Ming's face became solemn, "This is the holy beast cultivated by the adult immortal emperor! Luo

Xiaobai wiped the water on his face, "Isn't it possible to keep pace with the God Emperor?"

"Absolutely. I didn't expect that there is such a creature on this planet. I think the reason for the lack of spiritual energy before was probably caused by this guy's breakthrough in cultivation. " "Mo Ming said that the breakthrough of the holy beast requires strong spiritual support.

According to people here, there was still a lot of spiritual energy on the blue rice planet before, but it has become less and less in the past few years.

And the spiritual fish likes Gathering in places with a lot of spiritual energy, Yutai Island is very ordinary. It seems that the spiritual fish are relying on this holy beast to practice. Second Uncle Huang has already fought with the holy beast Mosquito Dragon. Luo Xiaobai thought to himself, if this Mosquito Dragon

If you were born in a demon cultivating area, you would definitely be valued by the Demon King, and you might be a demon cultivating general. However,

this dragon was born in an immortal cultivating area, and it must be very hard to practice alone without any companions.

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