Chapter 02 Blood Ginseng

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This time, Luo Xiaobai did not take a taxi, but left the train station on foot to find a house.

In recent years, houses in the imperial capital have become almost astronomically expensive. In order to be closer to Mo Ming, he found an abandoned community near the villa area where the two of them lived together.

Even so, Luo Xiaobai only had enough money to rent a single basement.

Although it would be cheaper to rent in a shared apartment, the extravagant and arrogant habits developed in the dream cannot be changed for a while.

After paying half a year's rent, Luo Xiaobai only had enough money to eat instant noodles.

However, there will be bread, and there will also be spicy hotpot!

After cheering up, Luo Xiaobai simply tidied up the house and then went out to find a job.

A traditional Chinese medicine hospital is a good choice, but unfortunately he does not have a medical license, so he can only go to an outpatient clinic to practice first, and then slowly get certified.

I remember that in order to recruit him, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital asked Miao Yuan to be a lobbyist!

Not to mention the bravery that a good man once had, now that he is back, he cannot live a life that is too inferior.

After visiting three Chinese medicine clinics in a row, Luo Xiaobai was not very satisfied. The clinics were willing to take in a high-quality and low-priced intern like him, but he was not interested in this type of Chinese medicine clinic that was trying to sell someone else's business.

While promoting traditional Chinese medicine for health care, they also sell some messy nutritional products.

"Knock knock knock." Luo Xiaobai came to the fourth Chinese medicine clinic.

This Chinese medicine clinic is not very big, and there is only one old Chinese medicine doctor inside.

"Young man, are you here to see a doctor?" The old Chinese doctor looked at Luo Xiaobai who came in.

Luo Xiaobai first looked at the shelves and found no strange nutritional products on them, and then said, "I'm here to apply. I want to intern here for a while and then get a medical license." The old Chinese medicine doctor was a little surprised

. Looking at Luo Xiaobai, "Tell me first, how much do you know about Chinese medicine?"

Luo Xiaobai has studied it systematically and has Professor Miao's personal guidance. These questions will definitely not trouble him.

Let’s start with the five thousand years of Chinese culture, and then go on to the current difficulties of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Are you good at diagnosing pulse?" the old Chinese doctor asked again.

Luo Xiaobai said modestly: "I know a little bit about pulse diagnosis and acupuncture."

"Well, young people know that modesty is a good thing. Come and diagnose my pulse." The old Chinese medicine doctor did not listen to Luo Xiaobai's words


Luo Xiaobai stepped forward and came to the old Chinese doctor, put one hand on his wrist on the pulse pillow, and after a moment told the old Chinese doctor's physical problem, "If you can stop drinking, your body will be stronger. "

I've been taught a lesson by a young man like you. I overeat at noon. Now you can perform acupuncture to help me digest." The old Chinese doctor looked at Luo Xiaobai with approval at this time.

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