Chapter 51 Snow Village Tour

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Because of the confirmation of their relationship, Chu Yu and Xiang Yu got closer.

Luo Xiaobai saw Xiang Yu and Chu Yunui leaning together several times in Huajitang.

Knowing that these two people had accomplished a good thing, Luo Xiaobai felt happy for them from the bottom of his heart, but Dr. Qian looked regretful, as if he

felt that his young master had fallen.

Come to think of it, Dr. Qian didn't think Xiang Yu was worthy of Chu Yu.

However, this also confirms the old saying that everyone has their own preference for radish and green vegetables.

The days are as ordinary as water, although there will be some twists and turns, but these are all part of life.

In the blink of an eye, five years passed.

Mo Ming and Luo Xiaobai were recognized by their relatives. Not only that, the two families also met and got along fairly well.

Mowei's independent combat camp has been established, and the military's status is now difficult to shake. It is no more concessionable than when Mr. Mo was alive.

Luo Xiaobing's son also went to kindergarten and became a little devil who is fearless.

Xin Xiu and Luo Zhi have always been in good health. After all, they have a son who is a miracle doctor.

"Time flies so fast." Luo Xiaobai glanced at the calendar.

Hearing this, Mo Ming looked away from the laptop, "Yes, but we still have many years to spend together."

"What do you mean, are you tired of me?" Luo Xiaobai's tone changed, It seems like there's going to be a quarrel.

Mo Ming had a black line on his face, and he just sighed, "Didn't you mean Yu Huanxue Village? It happens to be before the company's annual meeting. I can take a few days off. Why don't you take time off and go together"

"Don't change the subject. You said  you not interested in some young guy!" Luo Xiaobai held his waist and stood in front of Mo Ming to question.

Mo Ming was speechless, "I've been squeezed dry by you, how can I still have the energy to find fresh meat?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiaobai blushed, "Ahem, it's colder in Xuecun, I'm going to pack my luggage. "

Seeing the little guy running away, Mo Ming smiled faintly. No matter how much time passed, the little guy's shyness still hadn't changed.

However, he liked the little guy's appearance, and the more he behaved like this, the more he wanted to bully him severely.

The departure to the snow village was scheduled for the weekend, and Luo Xiaobai called Chu Yu and Xiang Yu.

Initially, Chu Yu refused, but Xiang Yu suddenly called him back and said that he would definitely go.

Luo Xiaobai could only decide the time and place with him, and then we would discuss whether to go or not.

"What are Xiang Yu and Brother Chu doing?" Luo Xiaobai hung up the phone, wondering why one of them wanted to go and the other didn't.

"In the end, Chu Yu will still agree to Xiang Yu." Mo Ming said with a tone of experience.

Luo Xiaobai blinked. He didn't believe that Brother Chu was a principled person.

But he forgot that the principle is to separate people and separate things. When it comes to traveling like this, Chu Xing was annoyed by Xiang Yu for a few words, and then he agreed. On the same day, the four of them drove a seven-seater off-road vehicle to the northeast

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