Chapter 19 Brother Shen

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After being pulled into the president's office, Luo Xiaobai sat down on the sofa.

"Mr. Mo was so majestic just now, but isn't it too much to treat a woman like that?" Luo Xiaobai thought of the scene he just saw in the secretary room. Mo Ming actually asked the security guard to carry Shui Qianqian away.

Mo Ming raised his eyebrows slightly, "Do you know whose child is in Shui Qianqian's belly?"

Luo Xiaobai blinked, how did he know, it wasn't his anyway.

"He Dongxiang." Mo Ming said.

"You mean the one from Wanxiang Real Estate? Is he over fifty years old this year?" Luo Xiaobai was stunned.

Mo Ming nodded, "Yes, that's him. Shui Qianqian and he met in the United States. The two have been together for a long time. It wasn't until He Dongxiang's wife discovered some clues last year that He Dongxiang and Shui Qianqian separated. However, after Shui Qianqian returned to China, , and began to communicate secretly with He Dongxiang again."

Luo Xiaobai frowned slightly, "This He Dongxiang is really an old cow eating young grass, and Shui Qianqian's vision is also questionable." "

Haha, it's just a word of profit, and now He Dongxiang wants to do this With a cuckold stuck on my head, do you still think that my attitude towards Shui Qianqian is too much?" Mo Ming asked in return.

Luo Xiaobai wanted to say that Shui Qianqian really deserved to die. "However, as long as she gives birth to the child, the truth will be revealed. What is their purpose of doing this?" "Shui Qianqian will not give birth to the child

. He Dongxiang already has two sons, and his wife will not tolerate this illegitimate child. The only possibility is that Shui Qianqian stays with me through the child, and then finds a way to kill the child." Mo Ming smiled coldly, they The calculation is quite good.

Luo Xiaobai was really afraid that Mo Ming would be splashed with this basin of dirty water, "Just in case, if she really kills the baby, you should find a way to get the fetal body, or blood clots, secretions, etc., I will There is a way to return this basin of dirty water."

Mo Ming kissed the little guy on the face, "Don't worry, good boy, I know how to do it." In the business district,

Mingdu Jewelry Group and Chidori Group were at loggerheads. The story has spread, and Mo Ming has been rumored to be a cold-blooded and ruthless scumbag who doesn't even want women or children.

But no matter what the outside world said, Mo Ming still didn't take it seriously. Even if the company's stock fluctuated, he didn't take it seriously. Until Luo Xiaobai was exposed.

Only then did everyone know that Mo Ming really had a live-in lover, but it was not Shui Qianqian, but a man.

It's okay to say that the other party is a young model, but in fact he is a thirty-year-old man. Although he looks a little younger, he doesn't seem to be worthy of Mo Ming in any aspect.

"What does that man do?" Someone found Song Tao.

Song Tao and Mo Ming have a very good relationship. If you want to find out about Mo Ming, the best way is to start with Song Tao.

As the saying goes, those who take others are short-handed and those who eat them are soft-spoken. Song Tao not only took it, but also ate it. He couldn't say nothing, "He is just a young doctor with no identity background." "Then how could Mr. Mo fall in love with him?

I Look at him, he looks very ordinary!" The visitor is unwilling to give up.

Song Tao didn't know this, "Maybe everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables."

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