Chapter 437 A strange combination of circumstances

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"I'll go! The place you're coming to isn't going to be a battlefield, right?" Feng Liu regretted coming with him.

Mo Qiyun pointed at the mountains of corpses below, "Of course, it would be a pity to waste so much good puppet material." "Before you went out, you promised your father that you would not get involved in the war.

" Feng Liu reminded him that it had only been a while, so he might have forgotten it.

"They beat them. It has nothing to do with them if I collect the bodies." Mo Qiyun said confidently.

But Feng Liu was thinking, while others collected the body and buried it, Mo Qiyun collected the body and made it into a puppet. How can it be the same?

"You help me look out here. I see there are some good corpse skeletons down there." After Mo Qiyun finished speaking, he dwarfed and slid down.

Feng Liu wanted to stop him, but Mo Qiyun went down first. There were still several groups of people fighting fiercely above, so wasn't he afraid of being affected soon?

After all, they came out together. Now it's too late for Feng Liu to leave, so he can only stay here resigned to his fate, hoping that the people above will not find Mo Qiyun picking up skeletons among the corpses.

Mo Qiyun stood in the pile of corpses and was very happy to choose. He didn't expect that there were bones of the Immortal Lord here. Unfortunately, it was a woman. He was not interested in women, or he respected women's corpses more.

"Hey, this skeleton is really good. It was actually poisoned during its lifetime." Mo Qiyun put her arm on the shoulder of a corpse and put the corpse directly into the space ring.

Unknowingly, Mo Qiyun collected five or six corpses. When he saw them, a man suddenly fell from the sky, but he had already died!

"Third Brother!" Someone above let out a shrill scream, followed by a powerful energy field.

Mo Qiyun thought to himself, there is another corpse of the Immortal Lord, this is indeed a good place.

As a result, before he could collect the body, Feng Liu held his arms around his waist and carried him away.

"What are you doing..." Before Mo Qiyun could finish his words, there was a huge explosion behind him.

Mo Qiyun looked back and saw that someone had self-destructed, and even the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood below were transformed by the explosion.

"You're almost done, be careful to fold yourself in." Feng Liu put Mo Qiyun down. This guy is not old, but has a good figure. The muscles in his waist are very strong. He must be very powerful in some way.

Mo Qiyun glanced at Feng Liu, "I know it in my heart."

If Luo Xiaobai were here, he would definitely find that Mo Qiyun's current appearance is exactly the same as him.

Today's harvest is not small, not to mention that the man's self-destruction just now destroyed many corpses, so Mo Qiyun had no choice but to give up.

"Didn't you ask me to go somewhere with you before? Where?" Seeing Feng Liu's help just now, Mo Qiyun decided to accompany him.

Speaking of this matter, Feng Liu immediately became energetic, "Do you think there is any good place in the magic cultivation area that I can miss?"

Mo Qiyun shook his head, how did he know.

"Haha, let's go. Uncle will take you to a good place to see things. It's much more fun than the Flower House on Xuantian Planet, and it's more worthy of its name." Feng Liu put his arm around Mo Qiyun's shoulders, and the two quickly Disappear from here.

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