Chapter 432: Heartbroken

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In the night bar, Kaqi introduced the program here to Mo Qiyun, "There will be electromechanical dance in a while. You must have never seen it." Mo Qiyun drank cocktails of different colors, "Okay, I will leave tomorrow. Yes, I must have a lot of fun today."

"I'll have fun with you." Kaqi said with a doting look on his face.

Mo Qiyun's heart was touched for a moment. It was a wonderful feeling.

Not long after, the electromechanical dance began.

Mo Qiyun was drinking and watching the show.

Kutch called to the bartender and whispered a few words in his ear.

The bartender glanced at Mo Qiyun and understood, "Please wait a moment."

After the dance performance, the bartender brought a glass of light pink liquid, "This glass of wine is called Warm Liquid, you are welcome to try it."

" Why just one cup?" Mo Qiyun looked at the cocktail placed in front of her.

Kaqi said, "I've had it before, and I specially ordered it for you to try."

Mo Qiyun didn't doubt that he was there, so she picked up the cup and started drinking.

Compared to Luo Xiaobai's caution and Mo Ming's extraordinary talent, Mo Qiyun was simply heartless.

After a glass of wine, Mo Qiyun continued to watch the show. Unfortunately, he never returned to Earth. He heard from his father that there was a Purple Night Club over there, which was also very fun.

Pulling his collar, Mo Qiyun found that the air around him seemed to be getting hotter.

"Kaqi, do you think it's hot here?" Mo Qiyun asked.

Kaqi pretended to feel it, "Okay, have you drunk too much? Let me accompany you to rest upstairs. Don't look at this as just a bar. The guest rooms upstairs are very interesting." "Okay

. ." Mo Qiyun touched her forehead, maybe she had drunk too much.

Kaqi half-armed Mo Qiyun, and the two of them came to the guest room upstairs.

Kaqi opened the door directly with the electronic card, then helped Mo Qiyun in and put her on the bed.

"Hmm, is there any water? I'm thirsty." Mo Qiyun felt her mouth became dry.

Kaqi hurriedly poured water and then brought it over, "Do you want me to feed you?"

Mo Qiyun saw that Kaqi had a double image. Could it be that the cocktail had such great stamina, but he clearly felt that his consciousness was awake. Could it be that That he is the type who gets sober the more he drinks?

"Okay" Mo Qiyun didn't want to move anymore.

Kaqi helped Mo Qiyun up and handed the water glass to his mouth.

At this time, the distance between the two people was very close, and it could be said that they were close to each other.

Mo Qiyun felt that his breathing was a little short. He had never been in love before and didn't know what it felt like.

"Qi Yun, actually I want to tell you that I like you." Kaqi looked deeply into Mo Qiyun's eyes. This sentence was not a lie, he was indeed moved.

"It's a pity that your love is too cheap!"

Just when Mo Qiyun's heartbeat accelerated, a cold and hard voice suddenly appeared in the room. Mo Ming didn't know when he was already standing behind Kaqi.

"Father!" Mo Qiyun was startled and felt guilty for some reason.

Mo Ming immediately came to his son, and he was indeed drugged. He was not vigilant at all. This time was

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