Chapter 14 Departure

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As soon as he heard that he was about to be taken away, Mr. Li decisively kept silent.

Captain Hu asked a person in charge at the construction site: "Are you ready with everything I want?"

The person in charge handed over the information with trembling hands.

After seeing the contents of the document, Captain Hu's face darkened again, "Seal the construction site directly!"

"What!" Mr. Li sat down on the ground, how could he explain it to Mr. He. Looking at the outer cover of the information, it is clear that there are records of those who had the accident!

Applause rang out, and the nearby people watching the excitement shouted, "Good seal!"

Paralysis, disturbing the people at ten o'clock in the evening, nearby residents had long complained, and now seeing the construction site sealed, it feels quite satisfying. !

Luo Xiaobai turned around and left. If he wanted to restart work here, He Dongxiang would have to give some blood!

After sitting back in the car, Luo Xiaobai took out his mobile phone to contact Mo Daniao.

Mo Ming wasn't surprised at all when the little guy mentioned the construction site.

Luo Xiaobai knew that this matter must be related to Mo Ming.

"How long do you have until you finish your work?" Luo Xiaobai asked, as the boss of the company didn't rest even on weekends.

"Come on, pick me up at the company. I drank some wine at noon and can't drive." Mo Ming didn't want to be caught by the traffic police and make the news.

Luo Xiaobai stepped on the accelerator and went straight to Mingdu Jewelry Group, "What good can I do by picking you up?" "

What do you want?" Mo Ming asked as he put the documents in the safe.

Luo Xiaobai thought about it but couldn't find a definite answer. "I'll let you owe it first."

"Okay." Mo Ming didn't care.

When Luo Xiaobai drove the car to the door of the company building, Mo Ming happened to come out.

Luo Xiaobai pressed down the car window and looked at him, jokingly saying: "You can calculate the time, right?" "

Yes, I know astronomy and geography, and I can calculate five hundred years before and after." Mo Ming opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. driving. Luo Xiaobai blinked, "It doesn't take five hundred years, just guess where I had lunch." Mo Ming said, "


"How do you know!" Luo Xiaobai was shocked. shocked.

"It smells like roast duck." Mo Ming could smell it as soon as he came in.

Uh... Luo Xiaobai didn't expect that the roast duck betrayed him.

Five days later, Luo Xiaobai went to Huajitang to pick up the goods in the medicinal materials market. The price was so good that Luo Xiaobai almost came out in his underwear. After that, he locked himself

in the guest room, calling it a retreat.

Mo Ming was too lazy to pay attention to him, and he had no hope for the magic pill.

Because there is no system for the furnace, Luo Xiaobai can only rely on the induction cooker. Fortunately, technology is developing rapidly and the temperature control system is very sophisticated


After two days, Luo Xiaobai finally refined the magic pill.

During this period, Mo Ming almost called the fire alarm because of smoke coming from the guest room.

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