Chapter 461 Playing off

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The Yinsha Old Demon is a human phantom that does not look real, but the energy contained in the phantom is extremely powerful, otherwise it would not create a hurricane circle as soon as it comes out.

As soon as Luo Xiaobai passed by, the Yinsha old demon discovered it. Just as he was about to take action, several people responsible for covering him took action.

In Luo Xiaobai's eyes, there are nine luminous points in this mass of energy. These luminous points are constantly gathering energy. As long as these are destroyed, the evil old demon will have nothing to fear.

_The dagger pierced the left shoulder of the Yinsha old demon, and the sound of broken glass was heard. Luo Xiaobai was hit by a huge energy.

Fortunately, he had taken precautions and was not seriously injured.

"Ah, I'm going to eat you ants!" The evil old demon became more and more violent.

Outside the battle circle, Mo Ming was about to repair the barrier, but because the Yinsha old demon suddenly went berserk,

all his previous efforts were in vain.

Of course, if it weren't for his repair, that one blow just now would have been enough to destroy the planet!

"Xiao Bai!" Chu Yu threw a long sword to help Luo Xiaobai block the attack of the evil old demon.

Luo Xiaobai looked at the long sword flying in front of his eyes and swallowed, "Continue to cover me!" As he said that, Luo Xiaobai used his clairvoyance ability to find the second luminous point.

The body was constantly attacked, but could not catch all these people. The Yinsha old demon let out a mournful cry. It finally came out, and it didn't want to go back, but it didn't want to be wiped out.

Seeing it, there was only the last shining point left.

Mo Ming rushed over, and when he saw the little guy's embarrassment, he felt like imprisoning him.

The Yinsha old demon was at the end of its crossbow and was about to be annihilated by ashes. It suddenly rushed towards Mo Qiyun desperately.

No one expected that such a change would happen, and without warning, it actually got close to Mo Qiyun. Just when Mo Ming was about to go to the rescue and Luo Xiaobai was about to kill this guy with a dagger, the evil old demon

suddenly knelt down front of Mo Qiyun and cried with snot and tears, "I want to recognize my master, please accept it." Come on!


Mo Qiyun was dumbfounded, what does this mean?

Seeing Mo Qiyun in a daze, the old demon Yinsha simply took matters into his own hands and offered the master-servant contract. As long as Mo Qiyun accepted it, he would become the old demon Yinsha. The master of the demon, whether he will live or die, is all a matter of Mo Qiyun's words.

"Why are you standing there stupidly? Accept it first!" "The ghost master pushed this silly apprentice.

Mo Qiyun was forced to become the master of the old demon Yinsha.

After successfully recognizing the master, the old demon Yinsha looked around and found a puppet at the level of an immortal emperor. He got directly in.

Luo Xiaobai still held the dagger in his hand, "What's going on?

"I'll tell you what's going on! " "Mo Ming carried Luo Xiaobai in his hand like a chicken, and then said to everyone present, "We have to leave now, see you later. "

No! " "Luo Xiaobai realized that something was wrong. Before he stretched out his hand for help, Mo Ming took it away. Mo Qiyun blinked,

"Is dad going to be okay? "

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